sd::list and pointers how to delete?

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2 comments, last by SiCrane 13 years, 3 months ago
I am bit fuzzy on the correct way to delete pointers in a std::list with a remove() also is my destructor correct?

I think I need to call delete *it; in the remove(), but how do I erase that element in the std::list then?

std::list<NX::OBJECT::Object*> objects;std::list<NX::OBJECT::Object*>::iterator it;~Factory(){for(it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)   if(*it)      delete *it;objects.clear();}	inline void Insert(NX::OBJECT::Object* obj){objects.push_back(obj);}inline void Remove(const std::string& id){for(it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)    if((*it)->GetName() == id)    {	objects.erase(it);		break;    }}
The correct way is to use a smart pointer and not worry about it. Otherwise in your Remove() function you need to call delete *it before you erase the iterator.
Thanks for the tip SiCrane...

Here is my updated code. I thought about it a bit more makes sense but never hurts to ask then hunt bugs down later.

inline void Remove(const std::string& id)	{		for(it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)			if((*it)->GetName() == id)			{				if(*it)					delete *it;				objects.erase(it);					break;			}	}
Calling delete on a null pointer is a no-op. Checking for a null before you delete it is doubly silly in your loop because if the pointer was null, it'd have already crashed your program during the GetName() call.

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