glm - displaying vertices, but no textures

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6 comments, last by cpatuzzo 13 years, 3 months ago
Hey there,

I can successfully load objects into OpenGL using this code:
//Loading the modelGLMModel* model;model=glmReadOBJ("glm-data/f-16.obj");glmVertexNormals(model,180.0,false);//Optional-recalculates and smooths the normals//Drawing the modelglPushMatrix();//transformations here...glmDraw(model,GLM_SMOOTH|GLM_TEXTURE|GLM_MATERIAL);glPopMatrix();

However, textures are not loading - all objects are shaded white. The object I am trying to load contains a line for material loading and that is in the same folder.

I am using glm and the object & texture data from here.

Am I missing something like glEnable(GL_TEXTURES), or along those lines? I can provide the source for my initialisation function if needed. I'd rather not have to write my own texture loader.

I am using OpenGL 2.0 and SDL 1.2 running on Ubuntu 10.10 x86 (32-bit).

Many thanks,
Chris Patuzzo
give a snippet of glmReadOBJ ( )'s definition.

I'm not the typical programmer.
/* glmReadOBJ: Reads a model description from a Wavefront .OBJ file. * Returns a pointer to the created object which should be free'd with * glmDelete(). * * filename - name of the file containing the Wavefront .OBJ format data.   */GLMmodel* glmReadOBJ(const char* filename){    GLMmodel* model;    FILE*   file;    int i, j;    /* open the file */    file = fopen(filename, "r");    if (!file) {        __glmFatalError( "glmReadOBJ() failed: can't open data file \"%s\".",			 filename);    }    /* allocate a new model */    model = (GLMmodel*)malloc(sizeof(GLMmodel));    model->pathname    = __glmStrdup(filename);    model->mtllibname    = NULL;    model->numvertices   = 0;    model->vertices    = NULL;    model->numnormals    = 0;    model->normals     = NULL;    model->numtexcoords  = 0;    model->texcoords       = NULL;    model->numfacetnorms = 0;    model->facetnorms    = NULL;    model->numtriangles  = 0;    model->triangles       = NULL;    model->nummaterials  = 0;    model->materials       = NULL;    model->numtextures  = 0;    model->textures       = NULL;    model->numgroups       = 0;    model->groups      = NULL;    model->position[0]   = 0.0;    model->position[1]   = 0.0;    model->position[2]   = 0.0;        /* make a first pass through the file to get a count of the number       of vertices, normals, texcoords & triangles */    glmFirstPass(model, file);        /* allocate memory */    model->vertices = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) *				       3 * (model->numvertices + 1));    model->triangles = (GLMtriangle*)malloc(sizeof(GLMtriangle) *					    model->numtriangles);    if (model->numnormals) {        model->normals = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) *					  3 * (model->numnormals + 1));    }    if (model->numtexcoords) {        model->texcoords = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) *					    2 * (model->numtexcoords + 1));    }        /* rewind to beginning of file and read in the data this pass */    rewind(file);        glmSecondPass(model, file);    /* facet normals are not in the file, we have to compute them anyway */    glmFacetNormals(model);    /* verify the indices */    for (i = 0; i < model->numtriangles; i++) {	if (T(i).findex != -1)	    if (T(i).findex <= 0 || T(i).findex > model->numfacetnorms)		__glmFatalError("facet index for triangle %d out of bounds (%d > %d)\n", i, T(i).findex, model->numfacetnorms);	for (j=0; j<3; j++) {	    if (T(i).nindices[j] != -1)		if (T(i).nindices[j] <= 0 || T(i).nindices[j] > model->numnormals)		    __glmFatalError("normal index for triangle %d out of bounds (%d > %d)\n", i, T(i).nindices[j], model->numnormals);	    if (T(i).vindices[j] != -1)		if (T(i).vindices[j] <= 0 || T(i).vindices[j] > model->numvertices)		    __glmFatalError("vertex index for triangle %d out of bounds (%d > %d)\n", i, T(i).vindices[j], model->numvertices);	}    }    /* close the file */    fclose(file);        return model;}
Can you show us the definition of glmFirstPass() and glmSecondPass()?
I really appreciate the help so far, thanks.

I have just noticed that my alias to compile and run my opengl was suppressing error output. I'm constantly getting this error:
GLM: Warning: glmDraw() warning: texture render mode requested with no texture coordinates defined.

The object I am trying to load does seem to have a texture though:
# Mon Jun 17 10:04:54 1996##mtllib f-16.mtlgv -1.896410 3.055388 0.729943v -1.912970 2.997458 0.729941v -1.896410 2.994088 0.729943...

And here's the code for the f-16.mtl file, in the same folder (which has standard 644 access)
newmtl glassKa 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000Kd 0.3000 0.2302 0.2302Ks 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000illum 2d 0.2100Ns 117.0500newmtl grayKa 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000Kd 0.3000 0.2302 0.2302Ks 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000illum 2Ns 60.0000newmtl redKa 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000Kd 0.3000 0.0343 0.0343Ks 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000illum 2Ns 60.0000newmtl blueKa 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000Kd 0.0343 0.1861 0.3000Ks 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000illum 2Ns 60.0000newmtl blackKa 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000Kd 0.0019 0.0101 0.0163Ks 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000illum 2Ns 60.0000

First pass is defined as:
/* glmFirstPass: first pass at a Wavefront OBJ file that gets all the * statistics of the model (such as #vertices, #normals, etc) * * model - properly initialized GLMmodel structure * file  - (fopen'd) file descriptor  */static GLvoidglmFirstPass(GLMmodel* model, FILE* file) {    GLuint  numvertices;        /* number of vertices in model */    GLuint  numnormals;         /* number of normals in model */    GLuint  numtexcoords;       /* number of texcoords in model */    GLuint  numtriangles;       /* number of triangles in model */    GLMgroup* group;            /* current group */    unsigned    v, n, t;    char        buf[128];        /* make a default group */    group = glmAddGroup(model, "default");        numvertices = numnormals = numtexcoords = numtriangles = 0;    while(fscanf(file, "%s", buf) != EOF) {        switch(buf[0]) {        case '#':               /* comment */            /* eat up rest of line */            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);            break;        case 'v':               /* v, vn, vt */            switch(buf[1]) {            case '\0':          /* vertex */                /* eat up rest of line */                fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);                numvertices++;                break;            case 'n':           /* normal */                /* eat up rest of line */                fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);                numnormals++;                break;            case 't':           /* texcoord */                /* eat up rest of line */                fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);                numtexcoords++;                break;            default:                __glmFatalError("glmFirstPass(): Unknown token \"%s\".", buf);                break;            }            break;	case 'm':	    if(strncmp(buf, "mtllib", 6) != 0)		__glmFatalError("glmReadOBJ: Got \"%s\" instead of \"mtllib\"", buf);	    fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);	    sscanf(buf, "%s %s", buf, buf);	    model->mtllibname = __glmStrStrip((char*)buf);	    glmReadMTL(model, model->mtllibname);	    break;	case 'u':	    if(strncmp(buf, "usemtl", 6) != 0)		__glmFatalError("glmReadOBJ: Got \"%s\" instead of \"usemtl\"", buf);	    /* eat up rest of line */	    fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);	    break;	case 'g':               /* group */	    /* eat up rest of line */	    fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);#if SINGLE_STRING_GROUP_NAMES	    sscanf(buf, "%s", buf);#else	    buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';  /* nuke '\n' */#endif	    group = glmAddGroup(model, buf);	    break;	case 'f':               /* face */	    v = n = t = 0;	    fscanf(file, "%s", buf);	    /* can be one of %d, %d//%d, %d/%d, %d/%d/%d %d//%d */

if (strstr(buf, "//")) {
/* v//n */
sscanf(buf, "%d//%d", &v, &n);
fscanf(file, "%d//%d", &v, &n);
fscanf(file, "%d//%d", &v, &n);
while(fscanf(file, "%d//%d", &v, &n) > 0) {
} else if (sscanf(buf, "%d/%d/%d", &v, &t, &n) == 3) {
/* v/t/n */
fscanf(file, "%d/%d/%d", &v, &t, &n);
fscanf(file, "%d/%d/%d", &v, &t, &n);
while(fscanf(file, "%d/%d/%d", &v, &t, &n) > 0) {
} else if (sscanf(buf, "%d/%d", &v, &t) == 2) {
/* v/t */
fscanf(file, "%d/%d", &v, &t);
fscanf(file, "%d/%d", &v, &t);
while(fscanf(file, "%d/%d", &v, &t) > 0) {
} else {
/* v */
fscanf(file, "%d", &v);
fscanf(file, "%d", &v);
while(fscanf(file, "%d", &v) > 0) {

/* eat up rest of line */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);

/* set the stats in the model structure */
model->numvertices = numvertices;
model->numnormals = numnormals;
model->numtexcoords = numtexcoords;
model->numtriangles = numtriangles;

/* allocate memory for the triangles in each group */
group = model->groups;
while(group) {
group->triangles = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * group->numtriangles);
group->numtriangles = 0;
group = group->next;

Second pass is defined as:
/* glmSecondPass: second pass at a Wavefront OBJ file that gets all * the data. * * model - properly initialized GLMmodel structure * file  - (fopen'd) file descriptor  */static GLvoidglmSecondPass(GLMmodel* model, FILE* file) {    GLuint  numvertices;        /* number of vertices in model */    GLuint  numnormals;         /* number of normals in model */    GLuint  numtexcoords;       /* number of texcoords in model */    GLuint  numtriangles;       /* number of triangles in model */    GLfloat*    vertices;           /* array of vertices  */    GLfloat*    normals;            /* array of normals */    GLfloat*    texcoords;          /* array of texture coordinates */    GLMgroup* group;            /* current group pointer */    GLuint  material;           /* current material */    unsigned int v, n, t;    char        buf[128];        /* set the pointer shortcuts */    vertices       = model->vertices;    normals    = model->normals;    texcoords    = model->texcoords;    group      = model->groups;        /* on the second pass through the file, read all the data into the    allocated arrays */    numvertices = numnormals = numtexcoords = 1;    numtriangles = 0;    material = 0;    while(fscanf(file, "%s", buf) != EOF) {        switch(buf[0]) {        case '#':               /* comment */            /* eat up rest of line */            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);            break;        case 'v':               /* v, vn, vt */            switch(buf[1]) {            case '\0':          /* vertex */                fscanf(file, "%f %f %f",                     &vertices[3 * numvertices + 0],                     &vertices[3 * numvertices + 1],                     &vertices[3 * numvertices + 2]);                numvertices++;                break;            case 'n':           /* normal */                fscanf(file, "%f %f %f",                     &normals[3 * numnormals + 0],                    &normals[3 * numnormals + 1],                     &normals[3 * numnormals + 2]);                numnormals++;                break;            case 't':           /* texcoord */                fscanf(file, "%f %f",                     &texcoords[2 * numtexcoords + 0],                    &texcoords[2 * numtexcoords + 1]);                numtexcoords++;                break;            }            break;            case 'u':                fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);                sscanf(buf, "%s %s", buf, buf);                material = glmFindMaterial(model, buf);#ifdef MATERIAL_BY_FACE                if(!group->material && group->numtriangles)                    group->material = material;#else                group->material = material;#endif                break;            case 'g':               /* group */                /* eat up rest of line */                fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);#if SINGLE_STRING_GROUP_NAMES                sscanf(buf, "%s", buf);#else                buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';  /* nuke '\n' */#endif                group = glmFindGroup(model, buf);#ifndef MATERIAL_BY_FACE                group->material = material;#endif                break;            case 'f':               /* face */                v = n = t = 0;		T(numtriangles).findex = -1;#ifdef MATERIAL_BY_FACE                if(group->material == 0)                    group->material = material;                T(numtriangles).material = material;#endif                fscanf(file, "%s", buf);                /* can be one of %d, %d//%d, %d/%d, %d/%d/%d %d//%d */

if (strstr(buf, "//")) {
/* v//n */
sscanf(buf, "%u//%u", &v, &n);
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = n;
fscanf(file, "%u//%u", &v, &n);
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = n;
fscanf(file, "%u//%u", &v, &n);
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = n;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;
while(fscanf(file, "%u//%u", &v, &n) > 0) {
T(numtriangles).material = material;
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[0];
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[0];
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[0];
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[2];
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[2];
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[2];
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = n;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;
} else if (sscanf(buf, "%u/%u/%u", &v, &t, &n) == 3) {
/* v/t/n */
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = n;
fscanf(file, "%u/%u/%u", &v, &t, &n);
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = n;
fscanf(file, "%u/%u/%u", &v, &t, &n);
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = n;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;
while(fscanf(file, "%u/%u/%u", &v, &t, &n) > 0) {
T(numtriangles).material = material;
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[0];
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[0];
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[0];
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[2];
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[2];
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[2];
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = n;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;
} else if (sscanf(buf, "%u/%u", &v, &t) == 2) {
/* v/t */
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = -1;
fscanf(file, "%u/%u", &v, &t);
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = -1;
fscanf(file, "%u/%u", &v, &t);
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = -1;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;
while(fscanf(file, "%u/%u", &v, &t) > 0) {
T(numtriangles).material = material;
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[0];
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[0];
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[0];
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[2];
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[2];
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[2];
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = t;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = -1;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;
} else {
/* v */
sscanf(buf, "%u", &v);
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = -1;
fscanf(file, "%u", &v);
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = -1;
fscanf(file, "%u", &v);
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = -1;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;
while(fscanf(file, "%u", &v) > 0) {
T(numtriangles).material = material;
T(numtriangles).vindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[0];
T(numtriangles).tindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[0];
T(numtriangles).nindices[0] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[0];
T(numtriangles).vindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).vindices[2];
T(numtriangles).tindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).tindices[2];
T(numtriangles).nindices[1] = T(numtriangles-1).nindices[2];
T(numtriangles).vindices[2] = v;
T(numtriangles).tindices[2] = -1;
T(numtriangles).nindices[2] = -1;
group->triangles[group->numtriangles++] = numtriangles;

/* eat up rest of line */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);

#if 0
/* announce the memory requirements */
__glmWarning(" Memory: %d bytes",
numvertices * 3*sizeof(GLfloat) +
numnormals * 3*sizeof(GLfloat) * (numnormals ? 1 : 0) +
numtexcoords * 3*sizeof(GLfloat) * (numtexcoords ? 1 : 0) +
numtriangles * sizeof(GLMtriangle));

The error you're getting is pointing you in the right direction. The OBJ file doesn't have any Texture Coordinates specified in it (unless they're in part of the file that you've cropped).

The material doesn't link to a texture either, it provides a number of properties for a material (actually three), which are used in various formulae for light etc.

OpenGL doesn't automatically take care of this yourself, you need to do it. You can't just through a file at OpenGL and expect it to understand what it needs done with it.

You will need to set up the material properties in OpenGL using the information from the OBJ file. The easiest way to do this would be to use Shaders.
Texture coordinates are identified as the "vt" parameters in OBJ files.
Still don't get why this retarded format is so popular.
Ahh thanks, I sorted it. I basically needed to enable lighting and change some images to png's to work with my libraries.

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