SDL Collision Detecion off

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2 comments, last by nfries88 13 years, 2 months ago
So I finally figured out what was wrong with my collision. After solving the problem, I decided to add another character, which lead me to another problem. When I load up my game, everything works fine, but as soon as I move, I collide with my other character, who is all the way across the map. I worked at it for hours, and I can't find a solution. I've included my dimensions, collision detection, and the function code where I call collision between my characters. (BTW My map is 1200 by 600)


A.x = 50;
A.y = 65;
A.w = 64;
A.h = 64;

A2.x = 1100;
A2.y = 470;
A2.w = 64;
A2.h = 64;

//Collision Detection

bool a2_collision( SDL_Rect A, SDL_Rect A2 )

int leftA, leftA2;
int rightA, rightA2;
int topA, topA2;
int bottomA, bottomA2;

leftA = A.x;
rightA = A.x + A.w;
topA = A.y;
bottomA = A.y + A.h;

leftA2 = A2.x;
rightA2 = A2.x + A2.w;
topA2 = A2.y;
bottomA2 = A2.y + A2.h;

if( bottomA > topA2 )
return true;

if( topA > bottomA2 )
return true;

if( rightA > leftA2 )
return true;

if( leftA > rightA2 )
return true;

return false;


if (a2_collision( A , A2 ))
{SDL_WM_SetCaption ("Defender Wins!", NULL);
done = 1;}
The function appears to return true if there is no collision, and false if there is a collision. That's the opposite of what I would expect.
As Kylotan alluded to, the logic of the test is wrong. Consider the first conditional:

if (bottomA > topA2) {
return true;

Box A could be somewhere below box A2 and yet not touching it, and this conditional would still (falsely) return true.

Also, note that this isn't really an 'SDL' collision detection problem; it's just a collision detection problem. (The fact that the SDL_Rect structure is being used is incidental and has no bearing on the problem itself.)
Here's what you need to check a collision between two rects:

bool HasCollision(const SDL_Rect& a, const SDL_Rect& B){
return !(
/* doesn't intersect horizontally */ (b.x > (a.x + a.w) || (b.x + b.w) < a.x) ||
/* doesn't intersect vertically */ (b.y > (a.y + a.h) || (b.y + b.h) < a.y)

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