Cross-compiling an SDL based program under Ubuntu Linux

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13 comments, last by jmakitalo 13 years, 2 months ago
I'm currently developing a simple OpenGL and SDL based 3D engine/game on Ubuntu Linux.
the code has dependencies to following libraries


The code is compiled with g++ on Ubuntu and I want to be able to compile it also as Windows executeable.

I'm quite sure that they are cross-platform. Well, OpenGL surely is, but I'm not sure if all the libraries have out-of-the-box cross-platform support.
It seems that most of them have .lib files for MSVC++, but I would rather not use it. One option would be to use Dev-C++ on Windows, but it uses
the .a library files, and it seems that these are not usually available.

The best option for me would be to cross-compile on Ubuntu to produce an .exe file to be ran on Windows. How demanding task would this be?
Does anyone have experience in cross-compiling with any of the above-mentioned libraries?

I have no experience in cross-compilation, but would I have to use the MinGW to compile the above libraries from their sources (maybe not all of them like OpenGL)?
well, I have never done cross compilation myself, but I imagine you'd have to build all the libraries for the other platforms first, and then basically have another build chain for each platform, which links agains the specific libs. I am not sure about windows specific headers and things like that though, but I would also be greatly interested in hearing something about that!
SDL, Devil, opengl, openal, alut, glew, freetype and sdl_net are available for windows afaik. not sure about the rest.
It seems that DevIL has 7 library dependencies, so cross-compiling might be a huge pain.
http://wiki.wesnoth..../CrossCompiling might help some. also appears to have a few of these packages.

There may be other 'distros' that collect win32 builds of these libraries, too, but I can't put my finger on them just now.

winetricks knows how to install a couple of them (even on windows).
I followed the instructions from this sight and it worked out great. I can produce Windows executables on my Linux box.

The programs I've written depend on all kinds of libraries. I tend to keep around the following .dlls for my Windows builds.

freetype6.dll libogg-0.dll libvorbis-0.dll SDL_image.dll smpeg.dll
glut32.dll libpng12-0.dll libvorbisfile-3.dll SDL_mixer.dll zlib1.dll
jpeg.dll libtiff-3.dll SDL.dll SDL_ttf.dll

Hope the link is helpful. Good luck.
Ok it seems that SDL with net, image and ttf is amenable to easy cross-compilation. Is SDL_ttf good/fast compared
to FTGL? How does DevIL compare to SDL_image? I really should have thought of this cross compilation issue
before starting to use all these non SDL libraries.
I was able to setup the SDL cross-compilation. I tried to compile a simple NeHe OpenGL tutorial, which used SDL, but I was not able to link
with OpenGL libraries. I guess I need to add some library paths, but not sure. For windows, the opengl library is AFAIK libopengl32.lib. How to
link to this? Just -llibopengl32?
Here's the makefile I'm using right now.

#make win=1 to use cross compiler
#make to make for linux
#make release=1 to use release compile flags
# else use debug flags

# Specify the main target
TARGET := zakes
# Which directories contain source files
DIRS := src/core \
src \

# Which libraries are linked
LIBS := SDL_ttf SDL_image SDL_mixer z
# Dynamic libraries
#back up directory
BACKUP_DIR := backup
#directory for windows .exe. all the .dlls should be in here
WINDIR := win


ifdef release

ifdef win # windows flags
SDL_FLAGS = `i586-mingw32msvc-sdl-config --cflags`
SDL_LIBS = `i586-mingw32msvc-sdl-config --libs`
OPENGL_LIBS = -lopengl32 -lglu32
CC=i386-mingw32-g++ $(COMPILER_FLAGS)
else # nix flags
SDL_FLAGS = `sdl-config --cflags`
SDL_LIBS = `sdl-config --libs`
OPENGL_LIBS = -lX11 -lGL -glut -lGLU


# Add directories to the include and library paths
INCPATH := include \
include/tinyxml \


# Which files to add to backups, apart from the source code
EXTRA_FILES := Makefile README.txt

# The compiler

# Where to store object and dependancy files.
STORE := objs
# Makes a list of the source (.cpp) files.
SOURCE := $(foreach DIR,$(DIRS),$(wildcard $(DIR)/*.cpp))
# List of header files.
HEADERS := $(foreach DIR,$(INCPATH),$(wildcard $(DIR)/*.h))
# Makes a list of the object files that will have to be created.
OBJECTS := $(addprefix $(STORE)/, $(SOURCE:.cpp=.o))
# Same for the .d (dependancy) files.
DFILES := $(addprefix $(STORE)/,$(SOURCE:.cpp=.d))

# Specify phony rules. These are rules that are not real files.
.PHONY: clean backup dirs zip

# Main target. The @ in front of a command prevents make from displaying
# it to the standard output.
$(TARGET): dirs $(OBJECTS)
@echo Linking $(TARGET).
@$(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LDPARAM) $(foreach LIBRARY, \
$(LIBS),-l$(LIBRARY)) $(foreach LIB,$(LIBPATH),-L$(LIB))

# Rule for creating object file and .d file, the sed magic is to add
# the object path at the start of the file because the files gcc
# outputs assume it will be in the same dir as the source file.
$(STORE)/%.o: %.cpp
@echo Creating object file for $*...
@$(CC) -Wp,-MMD,$(STORE)/$*.dd $(CCPARAM) $(foreach INC,$(INCPATH),-I$(INC))\
$(foreach MACRO,$(MACROS),-D$(MACRO)) -c {:content:}lt; -o $@
@sed -e '1s/^\(.*\)$/$(subst /,\/,$(dir $@))\1/' $(STORE)/$*.dd > $(STORE)/$*.d
@rm -f $(STORE)/$*.dd

# Empty rule to prevent problems when a header is deleted.
#%.hpp: ;

# Cleans up the objects, .d files and executables.
@echo Making clean.
@-rm -rf $(STORE)
@-rm -f $(WINDIR)/$(TARGET).exe win/*.txt
# -rm -rf $(foreach DIR,$(DIRS),$(STORE)/$(DIR)/*.d $(STORE)/$(DIR)/*.o)
@-rm -f $(TARGET)

# Backup the source files.
@-if [ ! -e ${BACKUP_DIR} ]; then mkdir ${BACKUP_DIR}; fi;
# @zip ${BACKUP_DIR}/backup_`date +%d-%m-%y_%H.%M`.zip $(SOURCE) $(HEADERS) $(EXTRA_FILES)
@tar czf ${BACKUP_DIR}/$(TARGET)-`date +%d-%m-%y_%H.%M`.tgz $(SOURCE) $(HEADERS) $(EXTRA_FILES)
@echo "Backed up."

# Zip up the windows stuff
@mkdir -p $(TARGET)
@mv README.txt ./$(TARGET)
@mv $(WINDIR)/* ./$(TARGET)
@mkdir ./$(TARGET)/logs
@mv data ./$(TARGET)
@zip -r $(TARGET)-`date +%d-%m-%y_%H.%M`.zip $(TARGET)
@mv $(TARGET)/*.dll $(WINDIR)
@mv $(TARGET)/*.exe $(WINDIR)
@mv $(TARGET)/data ./
@mv $(TARGET)/README.txt ./
@rm -rf $(TARGET)
@echo "Zipped up."

# Create necessary directories
@-if [ ! -e $(STORE) ]; then mkdir -p $(STORE); fi;
@-$(foreach DIR,$(DIRS), if [ ! -e $(STORE)/$(DIR) ]; \
then mkdir -p $(STORE)/$(DIR); fi; )
@-if [ ! -e $(WINDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(WINDIR); fi;

# Includes the .d files so it knows the exact dependencies for every
# source.
-include $(DFILES)

In addition I also added the following paths to my $PATH. These are the directories installed by running that script.

Ok, I'll bite: why are you seemingly willing to use Dev-C++ and not Visual C++? It would make your life a heck of a lot easier.

Ok, I'll bite: why are you seemingly willing to use Dev-C++ and not Visual C++? It would make your life a heck of a lot easier.

Firstly, MSVC++ costs, at the moment I have come along just fine with free software. Dev-C++ would use the same

compiler g++ as I use in Ubuntu and I've learned that the MSVC++ is loose with C++ standards, so I do not give
much faith to it. Cross-compilation under linux would be most convenient, if setting it up wouldn't be so inconvenient.

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