Pacejka just doesnt make sense (yet)

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22 comments, last by Bow_vernon 13 years, 1 month ago
To combine them together, it's simple:

TractionForce.X = PacejkaLateral(......);
TractionForce.Y = PacejkaLongitudinal(......);

This gives you the final 2D force vector you can contribute to the car body. I'm assuming the lateral is X, and the long is Y within the XY plane. Some tutorials have this reversed.

I guess I have to cap'em so they lie within the circle?[/quote]
Well, you don't have to. The whole point is to model car spins and other crazy out of control situations when you push the vehicle too far. In order for that to happen, you need to make allowances for the slip angle and ratio to map outside the traction circle. If you cap at the traction circle, then you are effectively flattening region outside the circle. This means that your slides will be consistently the same no matter how extreme are your slip parameters are. Of course it all depends what you want out of the game. Give either a test and use whatever feels good.

This is where having the Pacejka plots in a spreadsheet is so useful. You can easily manipulate its constants and try out different curves and slopes outside the peak traction.
Latest project: Sideways Racing on the iPad
Yes, I plot it in ms excel. Very useful. Well my previous versions didnt cap the forces. The current version did. Ok I think I'll just revert back. I didnt use pacejka for the longitdnl version, it's just not working, but it's ok. Anyway, why lateral force doesnt depend on velocity? Any insight?
I didnt use pacejka for the longitdnl version, it's just not working, but it's ok.[/quote]
what's wrong with it?

Anyway, why lateral force doesnt depend on velocity? Any insight? [/quote]
I thought this was already clear from the previous discussions? The resistance of car sliding laterally is a function of tyre orientation with respect to the movement of the body. More precisely, lateral force is result of the slip angle, computed from the direction of the tyre, and direction of travel. So the velocity of the car is immaterial, except when the car is not moving, which in that case the direction of travel is undefined (and therefore you can assume there is no lateral forces acting on the car).
Latest project: Sideways Racing on the iPad
Ok, I didnt use pacejka for longitudinal, simply because I apply torque to wheels, the wheel spins and apply force, there's reactive force, give counter torques. with pacejka, I got small force and the reactive force isnot big enough to give counter torque

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