How much does it cost to copyright a game?

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11 comments, last by Obscure 13 years, 1 month ago
How much does it cost to copyright a game, and maybe trademark a slogan for the game? I don't know much about copyright stuff, so sorry if this was a bad question.
Copyright is automatic and free. It costs somewhere around $30 to register a copyright, if you're a US citizen. Go to
Don't know about trademark registration.

-- Tom Sloper --

If the Government forums seem a little daunting you can always go through legal zoom. They offer copyrighting, company registration and trademarking.

Dan Mayor

Professional Programmer & Hobbyist Game Developer

Seeking team for indie development opportunities, see my classifieds post

Oh good that's alot easier than I thought it would be. At what point should I actually register a company and copyright the game? Before I show it off everywhere? Like for example: to a publisher?
The game is automatically copyrighted (at no cost to you) the instant you've created it.
You should register your business when you start making money or otherwise have to do anything official (like pay taxes).
I strongly recommend you go visit your local Small Business Administration office. Ask them all sorts of basic questions like these. For no cost.

-- Tom Sloper --

At what point should I actually register a company...

When someone offers to do business with you.
and copyright the game?[/quote]
When you have the $100k necessary to take someone to court for copyright infringement.
Copyright doesn't need to be registered. Doing so makes it easier to sue and increases the compensation you would get - but that is no use if you don't have the very large amount of money necessary to take legal action.
For now put a copyright notice on the game "copyright [your name] 2011". If a publisher expresses an interest in the game then you can worry about (and pay for) setting up a company and registering the copyright.

Likewise Trademarks. The game name/logo will gain trademark protection when you start using them to trade. Registering costs several hundred $ for each country you register in which may well be more money than the game actually makes. When someone shows some interest in actually doing business, then consider registering a trademark. Until then just use stick a "TM" by the logo (not an R in a circle symbol, which can only be used with a registered trademark).
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
So that's enough to where if I show the game to a publisher, they can't just steal the exact game and use it? I know they could steal the general idea if they wanted. But they couldn't specifically produce my game?
Anybody can make a game similar to your "idea" anytime. Don't waste time worrying about somebody stealing your "idea" - you can't protect an idea.

-- Tom Sloper --

I know, but if I give the publisher my game to test out, can't they just publish it right off the bat with no deal if I don't get the copyright stuff out of the way?
So you're saying your game is SO GOOD that every publisher would be willing to break the law and give you good reason to scream foul to the world. Or maybe they'd just kill you, then the screaming foul thing goes away...?

First off, they're not that evil.
Secondly, your game is not that good.
Thirdly, they have plenty of money and can afford to buy your game twenty times over -- they don't need to steal it. Cheaper to buy it than deal with the fallout from ripping you off.
Fourthly, if you're that worried about having your creation stolen, then sure, register your copyright before you begin the submission process with a publisher.

-- Tom Sloper --

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