Invalid Block type

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4 comments, last by KulSeran 13 years, 1 month ago
So I added a new class to my program that has many pointers.

There is nothing wrong until the last line.
I debugged until the point

return 0;

at the end of my main function and I get this error


I dont know why it gives me this. Can someone help me solve it.
Someone else may be able to figure out what's wrong with this information but I can't. Could you maybe post the class declaration/definition?

C++: A Dialog | C++0x Features: Part1 (lambdas, auto, static_assert) , Part 2 (rvalue references) , Part 3 (decltype) | Write Games | Fix Your Timestep!

class Button
//add mult brac buttons
SDL_Rect buttons[3];
SDL_Surface* button_image[6];

// plugin button
SDL_Rect Plug_in_button;
SDL_Surface* Plug_in_image[2];

//plugin process
bool Plug_in_process;
SDL_Rect Plug_in_box;

SDL_Rect* Plug_in_variables;
SDL_Surface** variable;
std::string* varstr;

//to cancel the plugin
SDL_Rect cancel;
std::string cancelstr;
SDL_Surface* cancelsur;

//plugin part 2
bool Plug_in_2;
//std::stringstream inputnum;
StringInput inputstr;

//plugin partt3
bool Plug_in_3;

for(int q=0; q<6;q++)
delete cancelsur;
delete varstr;
delete variable;
delete button_image;
delete Plug_in_variables;
std::vector<Digit*> handle_events(std::vector<Digit*> elEquation);

void handle_display();
bool return_plug_in_bool(){return Plug_in_process;}
bool return_plug_in_bool2(){return Plug_in_2;}
bool return_plug_in_bool3(){return Plug_in_3;}

void plug_in_false(){Plug_in_process=false;}
void plug_in_false2(){Plug_in_2 = false; inputstr.reset_input();}
void plug_in_false3(){Plug_in_3 = false;}

//handles the buttons for plgin
void handle_plug_in_display();
void handle_plug_in_buttons();

void handle_plug_in_display2();
void handle_plug_in_buttons2();

void Plug_into(int variable_number)
Plug_in_2 = true;

//use the first values to hold stuff
varstr[0] = varstr[variable_number];
varstr[0] += "=";
variable[0] = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,varstr[0].c_str(),fontcolor);
Plug_in_variables[0].w = variable[0]->w;

//center the box
Plug_in_variables[0].x = Plug_in_box.x + (int)((Plug_in_box.w/2)-(Plug_in_variables[0].w/2));


void Plug_in_func(std::vector<Digit*> delEquation)
//we are now in the process of pluggin in
Plug_in_process = true;

//make some boxes with variables
Plug_in_variables = new SDL_Rect[numofvar];

//as many surfaces as variables
variable = new SDL_Surface*[numofvar];
int *color_positions = new int[numofvar];

//sets the number of strings to number of variables
varstr = new std::string[numofvar];
for(int q=0; q<numofvar; q++)
varstr[q] = "";
variable[q] = NULL;

//compaes to see if we have enough strings
int var_comparator = 0;

//get all the variables
for(int q=0; q< delEquation.size(); q++)
if(>returnid()==2) //if its a variable check if it has come up
int matches = 0;
for(int w=0; w<numofvar;w++)//check all the initialized strings to see if this one matches a prevoius one
if(varstr[w] ==>return_svalue())
if(matches ==0)//if there are no matches it is a new var
varstr[var_comparator] =>return_svalue();

if(var_comparator == numofvar)//if you have enough variables then break the loop

//make some surfaces in the name of the variable
for(int q =0; q<numofvar; q++)
variable[q] = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,varstr[q].c_str(),[q])->return_color());


//set the position of the little boxes
for(int q=0; q<numofvar; q++)
Plug_in_variables[q].x = Plug_in_box.x + (int)((2*q+1) * (Plug_in_box.w / (2 * numofvar))-(Plug_in_variables[q].w/2));
Plug_in_variables[q].y = Plug_in_box.y + (int)(Plug_in_box.h / 4);

cancelstr = "cancel";
cancelsur = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font,cancelstr.c_str(),fontcolor);
cancel.w = cancelsur->w;
cancel.h = cancelsur->h;
cancel.x = Plug_in_box.x + (int)((Plug_in_box.w/2)-(cancel.w/2));
cancel.y = Plug_in_box.y + (int)(2 * Plug_in_box.h/3);


std::vector<Digit*> Plug_in_func2(std::vector<Digit*> delEquation)
//finish part 3

//get string input in the format x=
return delEquation;
I looked into the assertion that was failing and since you said the problem occurs at the end of main that means you are likely double deleting some memory when a global gets destructed. So look into your global variables and try to find out what might be shared between them that is getting deleted 2+ times.

C++: A Dialog | C++0x Features: Part1 (lambdas, auto, static_assert) , Part 2 (rvalue references) , Part 3 (decltype) | Write Games | Fix Your Timestep!

Thanks, You are right.

It stopped showing the error after I got rid of the all the calls to delete in my destructor.

Thanks, You are right.

It stopped showing the error after I got rid of the all the calls to delete in my destructor.

That probably happened because you didn't do one of 2 things.
1) drop pointers, and use something like boost::smart_ptr.
2) If you are going to go about it the way you have already, you need to implement operator= and the copy constructor so that you can manually manage the ownership of the pointers.

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