Help with Recursion in C++

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17 comments, last by NightCreature83 13 years, 1 month ago
Well I'm currently in the topic of function recursion, so i tried this function which supposedly displays 1 to 10 using a recursive function named recurse().

It runs, but nothing shows in the console window upon execution.

Here is the code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int x;

void recurse();

int main()

x = 0;

char end; // This is my ending sequence to prevent program from closing immediately
cin >> end;
return 0;

void recurse()

x = x + 1;
if(x = 11){
cout << x << "\n";


That's my code basically. I would appreciate to know what went wrong with my code. Thank you!

You have a typo in your test to stop recursion

if(x = 11)

should be:

if(x == 11)

The first way will assign the value 11 to x and then evaluate x's value (which is 11, that is something different than 0 and evaluates to true; therefore that code path will always be taken.


Edit: typos
You have an assignment in your conditional. The line if(x = 11) sets x to 11, and then tests if 11 is non-zero. It is, so the function always returns immediately.
You might avoid the global declaration of the x variable. That would make you recursion function self contained, or a bit more readable.

I would re-write such function as this:

int recurse( int x )
cout << x << "\n";

if( x < 10 )
x = recurse( x + 1 );

return x;
I agree to that ericbeg said - Avoid globasllvariables as much as you can, pass local variable x to your function instead

Deltron Zero and Automator.

You might avoid the global declaration of the x variable. That would make you recursion function self contained, or a bit more readable.

I would re-write such function as this:

int recurse( int x )
cout << x << "\n";

if( x < 10 )
x = recurse( x + 1 );

return x;

void recurse(int x)
cout << x << "\n";
if( x < 10 )
recurse( x + 1 );

Would do the same thing and avoids an unnecessary return value, this is better unless you actually need the value outside of the recurse function.

Worked on titles: CMR:DiRT2, DiRT 3, DiRT: Showdown, GRID 2, theHunter, theHunter: Primal, Mad Max, Watch Dogs: Legion

This isn't a better solution, but another way to look at it :

void print1To10(){

void _print(const int begin, const int end){
if(begin <= end) cout << begin;
else _print(begin+1,end);
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It is traditional not to post direct answers to homework questions.

To be fair he figured the recursion out by himself, just a minor syntax error which is easy to mis when you are staring at it for a few hours. The rest are just improvements on what he had, you need to read quite a bit of code before you can actually write code, imo.

Worked on titles: CMR:DiRT2, DiRT 3, DiRT: Showdown, GRID 2, theHunter, theHunter: Primal, Mad Max, Watch Dogs: Legion

Thanks! You guys helped a lot!

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