Blood effect!

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6 comments, last by bios 22 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I need help in producing a blood effect with particles. How should particles behave to give a cool looking blood? Thanks.
I don''t know if this will help too much, but I had a blood effect in one of my very first games. It was a 2d game where all the characters were represented by different sized circles done with BGI graphics. lol. The blood effect was probably the coolest thing in the game.

I had a loop go through 100 or 200 times (depending on how big the blood stain was). Every time it passed through the loop, it would update the xpos and ypos of the blood randomly, then draw a pixel at that updated point. This would give a completely random blood stain every time.

Example code:
int bloodxpos=BloodSourceXpos,  //the source is where the    bloodypos=BloodSourceYpos;  // blood starts at.for(x=0;x<100;x++){    bloodxpos+=(rand()%3)-1;       bloodypos+=(rand()%3)-1;    //draw pixel on screen    putpixel(bloodxpos, bloodypos, COLOR_RED);} 

That is the basic idea behind my first (and only ) blood effect. I think it looks pretty cool.
I had a similar code for my particle blood effect in a game some while ago. I don''w have the code (I think i lost it somwehere), but you can check the game at
--Electron"The truth can be changed simply by the way you accept it.""'General failure trying to read from file' - who is General Failure, and why is he reading my file??"
Random blood is easy to make, looks somewhat nice. But I would prefer a better engine for it. You could use both particles and bitmaps. Using only particles look to ''thin'' and only bitmaps to ''static''. Add the two shouldn''t be such a problem.

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What the heck...?

Somebody please fix that . . . that thread pollution! Grrrrr. . . .

And I am NOT an Anonymous Poster!


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