iOS Shaders compile (even though they shouldn't)

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3 comments, last by theZapper 13 years ago
I'm pretty confused here. I'm trying to write an OpenGL ES 2.0 app for iOS. However, when my shaders compile I get no errors messages, even if they contain obvious errors like undefined variables. I then get link errors saying [font="Menlo"]ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled.[/font]

[font="Menlo"] [/font]Does anyone know why this would be?

I'm using iOS sdk 4.3 on the simulator, I'm still waiting for my iPod for testing.

---When I'm in command, every mission's a suicide mission!
Can you post your shader compiling/linking/error checking code?
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Yep, here are the two methods. buildShader always seems to pass and return a valid shader handle, even when I the shaders have errors.

void cShader::buildProgram(const char* vShader, const char* fShader){

cout << vShader << "\n" << fShader;

ifstream myfile(vShader);

std::stringstream ss;

if (myfile.is_open())


ss << myfile.rdbuf();

//cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;



GLuint vertexShader = buildShader(ss.str().c_str(), GL_VERTEX_SHADER);;

if (myfile.is_open())




ss << myfile.rdbuf();

//cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;



GLuint fragmentShader = buildShader(ss.str().c_str(), GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);

programHandle = glCreateProgram();

glAttachShader(programHandle, vertexShader);

glAttachShader(programHandle, fragmentShader);


GLint linkSuccess;

glGetProgramiv(programHandle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkSuccess);

if (linkSuccess == GL_FALSE)


GLchar messages[256];

glGetProgramInfoLog(programHandle, sizeof(messages), 0, &messages[0]);

std::cout << messages;



// save often used parameters for later

projectionUniform = glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, "uni_proj");


GLuint cShader::buildShader(const char* source, GLenum shaderType)


GLuint shaderHandle = glCreateShader(shaderType);

glShaderSource(shaderHandle, 1, &source, 0);


GLint compileSuccess;

glGetProgramiv(shaderHandle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compileSuccess);

if (!compileSuccess)


GLchar messages[256];

glGetProgramInfoLog(shaderHandle, sizeof(messages), 0, &messages[0]);

std::cout << messages;



return shaderHandle;


These are the shaders I'm currently trying to compile. I've systematically commented bits in and out to find the problems.

Vertex Shader:

// Attributes change on a per vertex basisattribute vec4 att_pos;

//attribute vec4 srcCol;

attribute vec2 att_tex01;

attribute vec4 att_nml;

// Varyings are output to the fragment shader and are interpolated between vertices

//varying vec4 destCol;

varying vec2 var_tex01;

varying vec4 var_nml;

varying vec4 var_pos;

// Uniforms remain constant over the course of the draw call

uniform mat4 uni_proj;

uniform mat4 uni_modelView;

//uniform vec3 uni_pointLight1;

void main()


//destCol = srcCol;

//var_tex01 = att_tex01;

var_nml = att_nml;

var_pos = uni_modelView * att_pos;

gl_Position = uni_proj * uni_modelView * att_pos;


Pixel Shader:

[color=#FF3DF7]//varying lowp vec4 destCol;uniform sampler2D uni_texture0;

//uniform vec3 uni_pointLight1;

varying mediump vec2 var_tex01;

varying mediump vec4 var_nml;

varying mediump vec4 var_pos;

void main()


//vec4 light = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

//vec4 L = normalize(light - var_pos);

//float diff = max(dot(var_nml, L), 0.0);

//gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);// * diff;

gl_FragColor = var_nml; //texture2D(uni_texture0, var_tex01);


As they stand, these two currently compile and link, but if I comment in the first line in the pixel shader (vec4 light...) they will still compile but fail to link.

I had similar problems with the variables in the vertex shader being spelt wrong, which should give a syntax error and un-recognised symbol error, but they quite happily compiled then failed to link.
---When I'm in command, every mission's a suicide mission!

glGetProgramiv(shaderHandle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compileSuccess);

GL_COMPILE_STATUS is not a valid argument to glGetProgramiv. You probably mean glGetShaderiv here.


This is why you need to call glGetError, it would be throwing errors that you're using the glGetProgramiv incorrectly.
[size=2]My Projects:
[size=2]Portfolio Map for Android - Free Visual Portfolio Tracker
[size=2]Electron Flux for Android - Free Puzzle/Logic Game
You superstar!

In the meantime I've actually just put this bit of code in...

GLint infoLength;
glGetShaderiv(shaderHandle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLength);

if (infoLength > 0)

char infoLog[512];

glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderHandle, infoLength, NULL, infoLog);
std::cout << infoLog;


... which started pumping out errors (Notice the correct usage of glGetShaderiv this time though!)

I'm betting I inserted the wrong function name by not paying attention to the intellisense popup in Xcode. So it's all Xcode's fault really.

I also found that you need to stick a precision qualifier on the problem vec4 light definition, I thought it was only the varyings and global type ones, but there we go.

Thanks again mate!
---When I'm in command, every mission's a suicide mission!

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