What's it called when...(in regards to tile games)

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1 comment, last by unixmandan 22 years, 7 months ago
What''s it called when you have a large bitmap of tiles or fonts and you just point to a section on that bitmap for blitting, so you dont have to keep a bunch of tiles around? i''m looking for a tutorial on how to do that but I''m not sure what to look for... Thanks
It''s not called anything. It''s not a complicated or difficult enough procedure to warrant its own buzzword. All you''re doing is calculating an offset into the source bitmap. If your tiles are in a big long line, and are 32 wide, then the first one will be at (0,0), the second will be at (32,0), the third at (64,0) and so on. If you have them arranged in rows and columns, you have to work out y values too, using a similar method.
I see

OK Thanks!

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