[MDX] Problem with AdvanceTime

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3 comments, last by hossainiir 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi, i created a simple animation viewer ,this app is very similar to multi animation in DirectX SDK, but i wrote this with C# and MDX.
the following steps show u what am i doing in this sample.
1-load a skin mesh from file(tiny_4anim.x).
2-set some keycallbacks to all animationSets.
3-render the mesh.

the problem is that when i call AdvanceTime(timeDelta, animCallback) for each animationSet ,AdvanceTime does not call animCallback . but when i change animation ,AdvanceTime call animCallback until previous track become false.

maybe following line help u more to understand my problem.
State of animation : ========playing current anim========+++++++++Blend current anim to new anim++++++++=========playing new anim=========
State of animCallback : =====animCallback does not call=====++++++++++animCallback calls here+++++++++++++======animCallback does not call=====

any one can help me.
excuse for bad english.

???? ?? ??? ????

Persian Gulf

blink.gifAny one can help me???
i need your help...

???? ?? ??? ????

Persian Gulf

i write some code may help u.
[source [color="#1C2837"]lang="c-sharp"]

public struct AnimationCallbackData
public int Sound;
public double CameraDistance;
public class SkinMesh
public HandleAnimationCallback AnimCallback;

public AnimationCallbackData d1, d2, d3,d4;
private AnimationRootFrame _rootFrame;

public SkinMesh(string meshFile,string path)
//Some Code for Creating Skin mesh
AnimCallback =new HandleAnimationCallback( SkinMesh_AnimCallback);
//KeyCallbaks set here

var keys1 = new KeyCallback[4];
d1 = new AnimationCallbackData { CameraDistance = 1, Sound = 1 };
d2 = new AnimationCallbackData { CameraDistance = 1, Sound = 2 };
d3 = new AnimationCallbackData { CameraDistance = 1, Sound = 3 };
d4 = new AnimationCallbackData { CameraDistance = 1, Sound = 4 };
fixed (AnimationCallbackData* p1 = &d1)
keys1[0] = new KeyCallback { Time = 0, CallBackData = new IntPtr(p1) };

fixed (AnimationCallbackData* p2 = &d2)
keys1[1] = new KeyCallback { Time = (float)(animationSet.Period / 8 * animationSet.SourceTicksPerSecond), CallBackData = new IntPtr(p2) };

fixed (AnimationCallbackData* p3 = &d3)
keys1[2] = new KeyCallback { Time = (float)(animationSet.Period / 4 * animationSet.SourceTicksPerSecond), CallBackData = new IntPtr(p3) };

fixed (AnimationCallbackData* p4 = &d4)
keys1[3] = new KeyCallback { Time = (float)(animationSet.Period / 1.5 * animationSet.SourceTicksPerSecond), CallBackData = new IntPtr(p4) };
SetCallbackToAnimation(animationSet1, 0.25f, keys1);//jog
SetCallbackToAnimation(animationSet2, 0.25f, keys1);//walk
SetCallbackToAnimation(animationSet3, 0.25f, keys1);//Loiter

public void SkinMesh_AnimCallback(int track, IntPtr callbackData)
var data = (AnimationCallbackData*) callbackData;

public void SetCallbackToAnimation(KeyframedAnimationSet animSet, float compress, KeyCallback[] keyCallbacks)
var graphicsStream = animSet.Compress(CompressionFlags.Default, compress, null);

var animationSet = new CompressedAnimationSet(animSet.Name, animSet.SourceTicksPerSecond, animSet.PlaybackType, graphicsStream, keyCallbacks);

public void SetAnimationKey(int newAnimationTrack)
var newTrack = _currentTrack == 0 ? 1 : 0;
var animationSet = _rootFrame.AnimationController.GetAnimationSet(newAnimationTrack);
_rootFrame.AnimationController.SetTrackAnimationSet(newTrack, animationSet);


_rootFrame.AnimationController.KeyTrackEnable(_currentTrack, false, _currentTime + MoveTransitionTime);
_rootFrame.AnimationController.KeyTrackSpeed(_currentTrack, 0.0f, _currentTime, MoveTransitionTime,TransitionType.Linear);
_rootFrame.AnimationController.KeyTrackWeight(_currentTrack, 0.0f, _currentTime, MoveTransitionTime,TransitionType.Linear);

_rootFrame.AnimationController.KeyTrackSpeed(newTrack, 1f, _currentTime, MoveTransitionTime,TransitionType.Linear);
_rootFrame.AnimationController.KeyTrackWeight(newTrack, 1f, _currentTime, MoveTransitionTime,TransitionType.Linear);
_currentTrack = newTrack;

public void AdvanceTime(float timeDelta)
_currentTime += (timeDelta);
_rootFrame.AnimationController.AdvanceTime(timeDelta, AnimCallback);
UpdateFrameMatrices(_rootFrame.FrameHierarchy as AnimationFrame, _world*_mat);
i can not understand why callback did not triggered when animation are playing, and triggered when current animation blend to new animation!!!!
the main question is when keyCallback triggered in playing interval or in blending interval?

???? ?? ??? ????

Persian Gulf

In practice i understood that if i wrote the following codes the keyCallback has been triggered :
[source lang="c-sharp"] AnimationController.AdvanceTime(timeDelta/2, AnimCallback);
AnimationController.AdvanceTime(timeDelta/2, AnimCallback);
but callbackData become corrupt.

Any idea ??

???? ?? ??? ????

Persian Gulf

finally i solve the problem by my self , i'm wonder why no one answered me!!
i write the solution, maybe some one have same problem.
i used the following codes
[source='c-sharp'] AnimationController.AdvanceTime(elapsedTime, AnimCallback);AnimationController.AdvanceTime(0, AnimCallback);[/source]
this codes cause that callbacks trigger in right times but a big problem still remains.because of some unknown reason [color="#1C2837"]CallbackData become corrupt. i think that i have right times, current playing animation and current playing track , with having this informations i don't need CallBackData any more so i set them to null.

???? ?? ??? ????

Persian Gulf

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