sphere - sphere collision help

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4 comments, last by EvilNando 12 years, 9 months ago
I have no idea what Im doing wrong but..

whenever 2 spheres collide they transport to the top of screen (0,0) and stay there


void PhysicsGame::ResolveCollisions(Sphere* sphereA, Sphere* sphereB)
// - masses
float m1 = sphereA->Mass;
float m2 = sphereB->Mass;

// - inverse mass
float im1 = 1 / m1;
float im2 = 1 / m2;

Vector2 delta = sphereA->Position - sphereB->Position;
float d = delta.length();

// minimum translation distance to push balls apart after intersecting
Vector2 mtd = delta * ( sphereA->Radius + sphereB->Radius ) - d / d;

// push-pull them apart based off their mass
sphereA->Position = mtd * im1 / (im1 + im2);
sphereB->Position = sphereA->Position - mtd * im2 / (im1 + im2);

// impact speed
Vector2 v = sphereA->Velocity - sphereB->Velocity;
float vn = glm::dot(v, glm::normalize(mtd));

// sphere intersecting but moving away from each other already
if (vn > 0.0f) return;

// collision impulse
float i = (- (1.0f + BOUNCINESS) * vn) / (im1 + im2);
Vector2 impulse = mtd * i;

// change in momentum
sphereA->Velocity += impulse * im1;
sphereB->Velocity -= impulse * im2;

void PhysicsGame::CheckCollisions(Sphere* sphereA, Sphere* sphereB)
// for easy reading...

// - positions
float x1 = sphereA->Position.x;
float x2 = sphereB->Position.x;

float y1 = sphereA->Position.y;
float y2 = sphereB->Position.y;

// - radiuses
float r1 = sphereA->Radius;
float r2 = sphereB->Radius;

// - distances
float dx = x2 - x1;
float dy = y2 - y1;
float d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

//if ( d < 0.00001f ) return;

if ( d < r1 + r2 )
ResolveCollisions(sphereA, sphereB);

Should this

// minimum translation distance to push balls apart after intersecting
Vector2 mtd = delta * ( sphereA->Radius + sphereB->Radius ) - d / d;

not look like this

// minimum translation distance to push balls apart after intersecting
Vector2 mtd = delta * ( sphereA->Radius + sphereB->Radius - d) / d;
I think you're missing the obvious here.

sphereA->Position = mtd * im1 / (im1 + im2);
sphereB->Position = sphereA->Position - mtd * im2 / (im1 + im2);

should be:

sphereA->Position += mtd * im1 / (im1 + im2);
sphereB->Position -= mtd * im2 / (im1 + im2);

ontop of that, the line Ashaman pointed out is also an issue.
mm okay ..

somehow it works but now everytime a sphere collides it blasts away at incredible speeds , why!?
Vector2 impulse = mtd * i;

here mtd is not normalised so will not have the correct magnitude.
ah yeah normalizing mtd did the trick

now the simulations works better but still... the balls accelerate too fast .. but only on the X axis, maybe I should try incresing / decreasing my mass values?

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