Simple Collision Detection Issue

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1 comment, last by Astra 12 years, 9 months ago
Hi guys. I'm writing a 3D game, similar to Super Smash Bro's the characters only move along the X and Y axis, so I'm doing my collision detection only on the X and Y; and ignoring Z axis collisions.
I tried implementing an AABB method of collision detection but I think I got it a bit wrong. I'm testing the min.x min.y of my character against the min.x min.y max.x max.y of the ''stage'' (that is, one big platform and 3 suspended platforms). So as you would expect only when the bottom left front corner (min) of my "character" rectangle goes into the platform does a collision occur.

What I want to know is if there's a more efficient way of doing it than checking each individual vertex with the platform min/max.

Heres the code for my collision function:

void checkCollision()
if((Character1.min(0) > mainStage.min(0)) &&
(Character1.min(0) < mainStage.max(0)) &&
(Character1.min(1) > mainStage.min(1)) &&
(Character1.min(1) < mainStage.max(1)))
if((Character1.min(0) > platform1.min(0)) &&
(Character1.min(0) < platform1.max(0)) &&
(Character1.min(1) > platform1.min(1)) &&
(Character1.min(1) < platform1.max(1)))
if((Character1.min(0) > platform2.min(0)) &&
(Character1.min(0) < platform2.max(0)) &&
(Character1.min(1) > platform2.min(1)) &&
(Character1.min(1) < platform2.max(1)))
if((Character1.min(0) > platform3.min(0)) &&
(Character1.min(0) < platform3.max(0)) &&
(Character1.min(1) > platform3.min(1)) &&
(Character1.min(1) < platform3.max(1)))

and in my character and platform class:

float Character::min(int index)
float minimum[3] = {xpos-5.0f, ypos-10.0f, zpos-0.02f};
return minimum[index];
float Character::max(int index)
float maximum[3] = {xpos+5.0f, ypos+10.0f, zpos+0.02f};
return maximum[index];}

float Block::min(int index)
float minimum[3] = {getxCoords()-(getxWidth()/2), getyCoords()-(getyHeight()/2), getzCoords()-(getzLength()/2)};
return minimum[index];
float Block::max(int index)
float maximum[3] = {getxCoords()+(getxWidth()/2), getyCoords()+(getyHeight()/2), getzCoords()+(getzLength()/2)};
return maximum[index];

thanks for any advice
Looks like you should get a book on C++ ..

Look into member variables for your character/platform classes..

and do something more generalized with your collision checking..


bool CheckAABBCollision(AABB one, AABB two)
if(one.minX < .......
return true;

return false;
i've got member variables, xpos, ypos, zpos. Not sure what specifically i should change about the way i've accessed the variables?

also with the code you suggested, as i've seen in many tutorials - i dont understand AABB one and AABB two. Is this psudo code for my character1. and mainstage? or are there actual commands known as AABB?

thanks for your patience

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