Marching cube

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0 comments, last by SapphireStorm 12 years, 9 months ago
I am trying to reconstruct surface from point cloud and looking at various papers for a perfect solution

Found that marching cube is largely used for final surface generation

Before delving deep into Marching cube. I have one basic question.

What is input and What is the output of a Marching cube algorithm?
- A 3D grid where points on the grid contain a scalar value. (This is provided by the type of problem you're trying to visualize.)
- A scalar value to reconstruct against. (This is provided by the application or the user.)

- A triangle list representing the surface contained in the grid of data corresponding to the second input value.
- You can also output other things, like normals. The algorithms required for those are different than marching cubes. However, they generally go hand in hand.

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