Anyone use VAssistX?

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2 comments, last by jrdmellow 12 years, 8 months ago

I have a copy of VAssistX on my machine (with VC++ 2008). We have several projects with the same name (eg. MyGame1/Engine.sln and MyGame2/Engine.sln). It seems like whenever I switch from one of these projects to another with the same name, Visual Assist rebuilds it's database. Is there a way to stop this?

Jordan M.

Edit: To clarify, I have opened all of these projects before and allowed VAssistX to build it's database.
I've never done this before myself, since Visual Assist is pretty darn fast at indexing everything. But you can try going too "VAssistX->Visual Assist X Options->Performance" and uncheck, "Parse all files when opening a project".
Uziel was defeated by Tiny Mandragora.
It rebuilds the database anytime I load any solution, same name or not. Not really sure how they could do anything else, unless they cached the time stamps and used that to determine if anything changed since it was last open. Even then, source control solutions like Perforce have the option to keep the timestamp from the server, which means I could sync to older revisions of files and they wouldn't be parsed.

It takes < 10 seconds for it to parse when I load solutions, so I generally just ignore it.
-- gekko
The project I'm working with is quite large (takes VAssistX anywhere between 2 and 10 minutes to parse when starting from scratch) and it also doesn't help that my machine is fairly slow. Seems like I'm just going to have to deal with it.

Thanks for the replies :)

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