Return codes

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8 comments, last by Aprosenf 22 years, 6 months ago
I''m new to OpenGL, and I don''t know if it''s a problem, but when I call wglCreateContext(hdc); it''s returning 0. According to NeHe''s tutorial, this is the error code, and his sample code reported an error when it returned this. In my code, however, it''s returning 0, but if I don''t do anything about it, everything else functions perfectly. So, the question I have, is 0 really the success code, or is something bad happening that I should be aware of? I tried e-mailing NeHe, but he didn''t respond. Thanks in advance.
0 normally means it returned fine (I don''t know about this specific function tho). If it works, then... don''t worry, be happy
No, I looked it up and it says that 0 means it failed. I''ve made a few changes to my code, but now it still crashes when it''s deleting the rendering context upon exit. Also, after I hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close the program, the mouse stops responding, and I have to use the keyboard to change the screen width and height (which for some reason were not changed back during program shutdown), and then restart Windows. I''m really stumped here, so if somebody could take a look at my code I''d would be extremely grateful. You can find it at
and download the OpenGL code.
I managed to compile your code, and it looks that your OpenGL stuff is Ok. On exit it switches back to my default 640x480 mode and log file says everything worked fine. But I dont have DX8 sdk, so I commented out all your DX stuff. To exit app, I used following code (in WindowProc):
switch (wparam)

So, something is wrong with Game_Shutdown function or your DX input wrapper.
Hope I helped you somehow.

Unfortuanately, it has nothing to do with my DInputWrapper class. I tried what you did, and it still does the same thing. In log.txt, for me anyways, during shutdown, it says

Deleting the rendering context...

and then abrubtly stops there, meaning something is going wrong. I appreciate you trying, though.
Not nescessarily. Flush the output to the file after each time your write to it, since anything floating in memory when it crashes won''t get written.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
I do. I call fflush right after fprintf.

int Write_Error(char *string, ...){	char buffer[80];	va_list arglist;	if((string == NULL) || (fp_error == NULL))		return 0;	va_start(arglist, string);	vsprintf(buffer, string, arglist);	va_end(arglist);	fprintf(fp_error, buffer);	fflush(fp_error);	return 1;} 
I''ve narrowed down the problem - for some odd reason, it''s crashing during my shutdown routine when I call
ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, 0); 

It executes every line of code before that, but doesn''t execute a single line of code afterwards, not even a message box or writing to log.txt. Anyone have any ideas?
That is really strange. Have you tried to run your app in window mode? Also, if you want, send me your exe file. I will check if it crushes my machine.


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