Setting up iPhone for OpenGL ES 2.0 in landscape rotation

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0 comments, last by alh420 12 years, 6 months ago

I have written an App and it was completed and is in the App store and is glorious! It uses OpenGL ES 1.1 in landscape mode for 2D rendering.

So my problem is that I am starting a new App with this App as it's basis but I would like to use the nice features and shader capabilities of OpenGL ES 2.0.

However I cannot seem to get it working correctly. I was wondering if there are any tutorials or examples that could be given for setting up an Orthographic view in OpenGL ES 2.0 for iPhone?

If not I could possibly post code and screenshots and such and ask what I'm doing wrong here. :)

For the basic setup, you get a (somewhat) nice template in the SDK.

Only thing you have to change is how you calculate the projection matrix, to make it orthographic.

Then start reading up on OpenGLES 2.0 (which is quite different from the fixed function GLES1.1)

You have to do a lot more "yourself" in GLES2, like handle your matrixes, no helper functions like glPushMatrix/glMatrixMode/glTranslate etc.

In a way, its actually a lot less complex, but possibly requiring a bit better understanding of linear algebra.

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