Problem with ConstructGSWithSO (D3DX11 Effect)

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5 comments, last by B_old 12 years, 6 months ago
I'm trying to stream out vertex data to two streams from a geometry shader that looks like this:

cbuffer ChangePerSkinnedObject
float4x4 g_bones[256];

struct SkinnedVertex
float3 pos : Position;
float4 normal : Normal;

SkinnedVertex skin(float3 pos, float4 weights, uint4 bones, float4 normal)
SkinnedVertex output = (SkinnedVertex)0;


return output;

SkinnedVertex vertexShader(float3 pos : Position, float4 weights : Weights, uint4 bones : Bones, float4 normal : Normal)
return skin(pos, weights, bones, normal);

VertexShader VShader = CompileShader(vs_5_0, vertexShader());

GeometryShader GeoShaderSo = ConstructGSWithSO(VShader, "", "1:Normal.xyzw", NULL, NULL, 0);

technique11 Skinning
pass P0

When I compile the effect file I get the following error: D3D11: ERROR: ID3D11Device::CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput: Stream Output Declaration Element[1]'s semantic (Normal 0) not found in output signature of shader.
I don't understand it.
Setting the declaration for the second stream to NULL makes it compile. It even works but obviously the second stream does not receive the data I want to have.
Any idea how to configure ConstructGSWithSO() correctly?
Funnily, I can compile that shader with fxc without any problems. Haven't played around with multiple streams yet, but if I get the effect file syntax right from here, maybe this works:

GeometryShader GeoShaderSo = ConstructGSWithSO(VShader, ";1:Normal.xyzw", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);

since you don't have an explicit GS which outputs a second stream.
As you say, I don't get a compile error but the error appears later when the effect framework calls CreateGSWithSO(). The variant suggested by you works but than I end up with an interleaved stream, which I don't want.
I tried this:

struct GS_Output_Pos
float3 pos : Position;

struct GS_Output_Normal
float4 normal : Normal;

void geometryShader(point SkinnedVertex input[1], inout PointStream<GS_Output_Pos> positions, inout PointStream<GS_Output_Normal> normals)
GS_Output_Pos pos;
pos.pos = input[0].pos;

GS_Output_Normal normal;
normal.normal = input[0].normal;


VertexShader VShader = CompileShader(vs_5_0, vertexShader());

GeometryShader GsBase = CompileShader(gs_5_0, geometryShader());
GeometryShader GeoShaderSo = ConstructGSWithSO(GsBase, "", "1:Normal.xyzw", NULL, NULL, 0xffffffff);

It doesn't give me any errors but it crashes the video driver. :)

BTW, do you happen to know what the fx equivalent of D3D11_SO_NO_RASTERIZED_STREAM is? I tried 0xffffffff, but this still gives me a warning that the rasterizer is activated unless I manually disable depth-writes.
I'm currently out of clues. Can you show the buffer creation, draw setup and drawing call code, please ?

//buffer creation
bd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bd.ByteWidth = bytes;
bd.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
bd.MiscFlags = 0;

ID3D11Buffer *buffer;

m_device->CreateBuffer(&bd, nullptr, &buffer);

getContext().setRenderTarget(nullptr, nullptr);

m_effect->setMatrices("g_bones", skeleton->getBones(), skeleton->getNumBones());
getContext().setVertexBuffers(2, skinningData->m_skinningInputs, inputLayoutDescription());
getContext().setStreamOutTargets(2, skinningData->m_streamOutTargets);

The second part is pseudo code:ish but I hope you can still see the d3d11 calls beneath it. As I said earlier that stuff actually works as long as I only write to one stream, but I'd rather have two.
Hot stuff, literally. Experimenting with your setup - manually though, not through the effect framework - I first got a memory corruption when calling CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput and later a freeze of my apps and suddenly some weird rendering with a blue background and white text. Blue screen of death :(

So I'm of little help now, sorry. I'd double check the strides and experiment with buffers with equal strides. But that's just a real shot in the dark.
I managed to get away the errors by specifying [font="Courier New"]uint normal : Normal[/font] as the output for the second stream which matches the stride of my normals, because they are compressed. However whatever I output in the geometry shader it does not seem to end up in the output stream.

EDIT0: I confirmed that the second stream is not being written too, by outputting the same data to both streams. Reading from those streams later the data is not identical.

EDIT1: Had to specify [maxvertexcount(2)]. Now it works! :)

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