Problem with a textbox in win32

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1 comment, last by Zeblar Nagrim 22 years, 6 months ago
I have a little problem with texboxes in win32... PROBLEM: Want to display the current row (of the textbox) in the statusbar when the user click somewhere in the textbox. SOLUTION: When the I get a WM_COMMAND, I check if the ID is my textbox...


    case ID_TEXTBOX:


... then I get the current line (where the carret is) and send a SB_SETTEXT to the status bar.

SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_TEXTBOX), EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)
  (LPDWORD) &m_sFindPos,(LPARAM) (LPDWORD) &End);

WORD Row = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_TEXTBOX),            EM_LINEFROMCHAR, m_sFindPos, 0);

char itoabuff[20];
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_STATUSBAR), SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) itoa(Row, itoabuff, 10));

The problem is that the text does not appear in the statusbar until the textbox have losed the focus. But I want to show the information immediatly! Arrgggg.... If I call SetFocus(g_hwndMain) after the call to SB_SETTEXT, the text show up immediatly in the status bar, but then the textbox never get focus and I can´t copy text with CTRL+C etc. Please help me! (sorry for my poor english!) Zeblar Nagrim, Lord of Chaos
I''m not sure it will solve your problem but you could try to call Update(hWnd).
UpdateWindow() dosn´t work, thanks anyway.

Even if I call SetWindowText() on my main window, nothing shows upp until the Text box has lost focus.

How can I fix this? Maybe I´m responding to the wrong message?

Zeblar Nagrim, Lord of Chaos

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