XNA 3.1- Kinect mirror motion to 3D rigging model

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1 comment, last by PedroLeit 12 years, 5 months ago
hello, i'm trying to create an XNA avatar who will make my movements. For this i use OpenNI,NITE,XNA 3.1 and Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST).
what i need to do is with Kinect capture my skeleton joints, after that "mirror" every movements i make to 3D model in XNA.
I've already searched in Net, and only found this topic about: (http://groups.google.com/group/openni-dev/browse_thread/thread/c01dfbec3068655c)
this thing should be hard to do... :S
somebody help me?
The Microsoft SDK will provide you directly with the skeleton, without any additional dependencies, if that's something you can consider.

The Microsoft SDK will provide you directly with the skeleton, without any additional dependencies, if that's something you can consider.

ya, i know but in this project i can't use beta releases, so i don't have another solution to do this without OpenNI or libfreenect.
But choosing one of this two, OpenNI is best i've sure :P

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