Having problem with sockets

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4 comments, last by alvidux 12 years, 5 months ago
[color="#000000"]Client writes that he received message "receiv", his ClientCiklas = 1, but [color="#FF0000"][color="#000000"]SOMEHOW ClientBytesSent [color="#000000"][color="#FF0000"]= [color="#FF0000"]-1
So my question is:
How is this possible that [color="#000000"][color="#FF0000"][color="#000000"][color="#FF0000"]ClientBytesSent = -1, if message is "receiv";
How it failed this line if(!strcmp(message, (char *)MSG_RECEIV))

If need any additional information please write.


[color="#FF0000"]How my socket shoud work:
1 Step: When Client connects to Server, server sends message [color="#808080"]send(socketCommunication, MSG_RECEIV, MSG_LENGTH, 0);
2 Step: If Client gets [color="#808080"]MSG_RECEIV [color="#000000"]it will send inputs from Client;
3 Step: Go back to 1st step;


// socket message types
#define MSG_LENGTH 6
#define MSG_RECEIV "receiv" // client/server got message
#define MSG_PLAYER "player" // received information is about player
#define MSG_INPUTS "inputs" // received information is players inputs
#define MSG_MESSAG "messag" // received information is message (pm)

Vec2f cursor;
bool mouseLeft = false;
bool mouseRight = false;
bool key[256];
bool keyP[256];

int ClientMsgBytes = -1;
int ClientBytesSent = -1;
int ClientCiklas = 0; // how much times program thread repeated
int CluentMsgGet[6];

int ServerBytesReceived = -1;
int ServerSendReceived = -1;
int ServerMsgBytes = -1;
int ServerCiklas = 0;; // how much times program thread repeated

void InitEverything()
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

// initiate LAN play, server, client
// initiate server socket
if(MessageBox(hwnd, "Do you want to host a game", "Lan gameplay", MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
if(CreateSocket("", 666, socketCommunication) != 0)
MessageBox(hwnd, "Failed to host", "Lan gameplay", MB_OK);
CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread_Server, 0, 0, NULL);

thisIsServer = true;
if(JoinSocket("", 666, socketCommunication) != 0)
MessageBox(hwnd, "Failed to join", "Lan gameplay", MB_OK);
CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread_Client, 0, 0, NULL);

thisIsServer = false;


DWORD WINAPI Thread_Server(__in LPVOID lpParameter)
char *buffer = (char *)malloc(256);
char message[MSG_LENGTH];
bool temp_key[256];
int bytes = 0;
int totalBytes = 0;

bytes = send(socketCommunication, MSG_RECEIV, MSG_LENGTH, 0);

ServerSendReceived = bytes;

bytes = recv(socketCommunication, message, MSG_LENGTH, 0);

ServerMsgBytes = bytes;

if(!strcmp(message, MSG_INPUTS))
totalBytes = 0;
while(totalBytes < 256)
bytes = recv(socketCommunication, buffer, 256 - totalBytes, 0);
memcpy(temp_key + totalBytes, buffer, bytes);

totalBytes += bytes;

ServerBytesReceived = totalBytes;
player[1].sInputs(temp_key, Vec2f(), false, false);

if(send(socketCommunication, MSG_RECEIV, MSG_LENGTH, 0) != 6)
MessageBox(hwnd, "Incorrect message", "ERROR", MB_OK);
MessageBox(hwnd, "Incorrect message", "ERROR", MB_OK);



DWORD WINAPI Thread_Client(__in LPVOID lpParameter)
char *buffer = (char *)malloc(MSG_LENGTH + 256);
char message[MSG_LENGTH];
int bytes = 0;
int totalBytes = 0;
int match = 0;

memset(message, 0, MSG_LENGTH);

bytes = recv(socketCommunication, message, MSG_LENGTH, 0);

ClientMsgBytes = bytes;
memcpy(CluentMsgGet, message, MSG_LENGTH);

if(!strcmp(message, (char *)MSG_RECEIV))
memcpy(buffer, MSG_INPUTS, MSG_LENGTH);
memcpy(buffer + MSG_LENGTH, key, 256);

totalBytes = 0;
while(totalBytes < (MSG_LENGTH + 256))
bytes = send(socketCommunication, buffer + totalBytes, (MSG_LENGTH + 256) - totalBytes, 0);
error = WSAGetLastError();

totalBytes += bytes;

ClientBytesSent = totalBytes;


You did a great job at making your post beautiful and well organized, but you forgot one of the most important parts: the problem. What's the issue?
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-1 is being returned because send() is failing. Check your errors, with winsock I think you can get an error string from WSALastError, from berkley standard sockets I believe lasterror(sock_fd); should provide more information. In most cases send will return -1 because the operation completely failed, depending on your blocking status the other end may have terminated unexpectedly or you may have never had a good connection in the first place. Anyway, the simple answer is you are getting -1 because send() is failing.

Dan Mayor

Professional Programmer & Hobbyist Game Developer

Seeking team for indie development opportunities, see my classifieds post

-1 because send() is failing.

if(!strcmp(message, (char *)MSG_RECEIV))
// The point is that it never gets here...
A few things I see.

#1, when sending character string, you're only sending the characters, and not the terminating \0. This will cause you problems, since, you receive the data, you only write the 6 characters, but the 7th byte could be anything. if it's not a 0, it will fail.

I would suggest, if you want to work this way, always sending the \0, and setting MSG_LENGTH 7
An even better alternative would be to send the length of the message as the 1st byte (or bytes), so you can send anything, and it doesn't have to be X bytes long every time.

#2, Why, when you create the server thread, do you immediately send? Who are you sending to? There will not be anyone connected at that time.

Maybe you need to show CreateSocket(), and Join Socket(), because, you may be using the sockets incorrectly as well. Does it take the socketCommunication as a reference? Is it global? Do you have a listening socket t begin with, and then the client communications socket after?

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IT WORKED ! Thank you... I thought that i dont need to use "\0" end symbol.
Is there any way to do strcmp or something similar without \0 ?

#2, Why, when you create the server thread, do you immediately send? Who are you sending to? There will not be anyone connected at that time.

Maybe you need to show CreateSocket(), and Join Socket(), because, you may be using the sockets incorrectly as well. Does it take the socketCommunication as a reference? Is it global? Do you have a listening socket t begin with, and then the client communications socket after?

It sends when Server and Client connects

[color="#FF0000"]Socket functions ( "..." represents error)


#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "WS2_32.lib")

int CreateSocket(char *IP, int port, SOCKET &communicationSocket)
WSADATA wsaData;
int result;

sockaddr_in service;
service.sin_family = AF_INET;
service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP);
service.sin_port = htons(port);

// initiates use of the Winsock DLL by a process
result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);

// creates a socket that is bound to a specific transport service provider
connectSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

// function associates a local address with a socket
result = bind(connectSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&service, sizeof(service));

// function places a socket in a state in which it is listening for an incoming connection.
result = listen(connectSocket, SOMAXCONN);

// function permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket.
communicationSocket = accept(connectSocket, NULL, NULL);

return 0;

int JoinSocket(char *IP, int port, SOCKET &communicationSocket)
WSADATA wsaData;
communicationSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
int result;

/* initialize Winsock */
result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);

/* create socket */
communicationSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

/* connect */
sockaddr_in clientService;
clientService.sin_family = AF_INET;
clientService.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP);
clientService.sin_port = htons(port);
result = connect(communicationSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&clientService, sizeof(clientService));

return 0;


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