Trying to render a set of point data (OpenGL 3.3/GLSL 330 core)

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3 comments, last by Ozwald 12 years, 5 months ago
Hi, Ladies and Gents,

So, I've been working on a project that requires me to automatically generate terrain (procedural generation), so I've been working towards that, but I've ran into a rather irritating roadblock: I can't get OpenGL to render my data. I've done all the OpenGL error checking I can, and also tried the tool, "gDEBugger," and haven't been able to find the issue (although I'll admit that I'm not 100% sure how to use gDEBugger).

You can find my project on github. You'll need SDL 1.3 on your system to build it - sorry, the makefile is somewhat crude, as I just wanted something to get me started for now - you may have to edit it depending on your system.

I've been trying to figure this issue out, and originally, I thought that it could possibly be with SDL 1.3, but it seems to be somewhere with how I'm handling OpenGL.

Any help getting this to render properly would be super,
For those of us that don't want to download code and compile it, can you describe how 'can't get OpenGL to render my data' presents itself? Do you get a black screen?
Yes, the screen is blank. I'm checking glGetError after every gl* call I make, and am getting no errors at all.
Right now, it's just rendering points, so even the order shouldn't matter, so I'm really confused.


Yes, the screen is blank.

The blank screen is pretty normal and usually a result of one of the following -
  • camera transform is pointing in the wrong direction
  • scene is outside the clipping frustum
  • we're culling the wrong side of faces
  • lighting is enabled but the scene is not lit
  • something is outside/inside glbegin/glend when it should be inside/outside
  • missing glcolor

In the past I found a good solution is to start with the obligatory triangle sample code, then tweak one parameter at a time until I end up with the code I want - somewhere along the way I'll find the offender.
Well, I can safely eliminate anything about the camera transform, as I have camera control code. I can also eliminate glBegin/glEnd, as OpenGL >= 3.x has those functions depreciated and removed. I am not performing any culling (As it's just a field of points, no polygons right now), and I'm not enabling/using any lighting.
I appreciate the help, but I don't think those suggestions will work, however, I will try removing the camera code (force the camera in one direction for now) and just trying to render one triangle. Hopefully that will help me trouble shoot some more.


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