How much python do i need to know before moving to pygame

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2 comments, last by AdamShultz 12 years, 4 months ago

So i am currently learning python and moving quite fast through it.... i have some programming expierence but with VB6, only because my school offers a course in it. I guess at that stage it didnt make a difference because the core details were the same. Now i'm learning python and wanting to move to pygame and just wanted to know at what point am i ready to start pygame.

Also if anyone has resources for learning either please pass them along

Thanks, Anoop
Knowing the basics of the language should be sufficient.

A decent Python book The quick Python book

Once you get into the language, the best place to get info is probably the documentation that comes with the language

A lot of people seems to like this book
I haven't read it myself but it seems to fit your needs if you'r into learning game programming
Specifically, pygame is a collection of modules, so you're ready to use pygame when you can use modules. And, being object-oriented, a basic knowledge of OOP concepts is required. So, don't avoid studying modules and OOP! :)

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The best documentation, IMO, is the stuff on

As long as you have a basic understanding of OOP, learning the pygame libraries should be a breeze.

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