Vertex Buffer Limit

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0 comments, last by Erik Rufelt 12 years, 3 months ago
Is there a limit on the number of vertex buffers I can create and use ?. I have created a Class that generates a simple quad. The Class has its own vertex buffer and function to render the quad. I use several of these in my program and call each one from the main loop for rendering..So far I see no problems.. It works fine, no memory leaks or exceptions..But before I get too far along I wanted to be sure if there was a limit ..And if I should use managed memory pool or default memory pool when creating a lot of vertex buffers.. Im using directx 9.

thanx in advance.
As long as your under 1000 or something in total, don't worry about it. If you get more than that, try to group multiple quads into the same buffer, and preferably draw multiple quads with a single Draw-call.
(Which means it's better to group them into one buffer, but if you don't have very many it doesn't matter that much.)

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