Problem with texturing a heightmap

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1 comment, last by Florian22222 12 years, 2 months ago

I have a problem with texturing a heightmap with a simple dirt-tile. On every position when the y-coord doesnt change for a few vertices, the texture is getting stretched. Look at the attached pictures. You´ll find a screenshot and the dirttile itself(sometimes it looks confusing)

I´ve used the same code in d3d9 to creating a heightfield and its coordinates, so it cant be that the texture coordinates are the error. I think there´s something in my shadercode that causes this issue.

My effect file:

uniform extern matrix gWVP;
uniform extern Texture2D gTileTex;
SamplerState TextureSampler
AddressU = WRAP;
AddressV = WRAP;
//shader i/o structs
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position : SV_POSITION; // vertex position
float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD0; // vertex texture coords
VS_OUTPUT RenderSceneVS( float3 Position : POSITION, float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD0 )

Output.Position = mul(float4(Position,1.0f),gWVP);
Output.TexCoord2 = TexCoord2;

return Output;
float4 RenderScenePS(VS_OUTPUT Input) : SV_TARGET
return gTileTex.Sample(TextureSampler,Input.TexCoord2);
technique10 T1
pass P1
SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0, RenderSceneVS() ) );
SetGeometryShader( NULL );
SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0, RenderScenePS() ) );

EDIT: I am using sm5(fx_5_0) for the shader
The shader code looks fine, have you checked the UV coords being passed in? I've seen wrap have some unexpected results in dx9 when the UV's are off.

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Sorry, I forgot about writing this.
I solved the problem a week ago.
The input layout wasn´t specified right.

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