[Global Game Jam 2012] Buddhist 2D Platformer

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-1 comments, last by ionmarkgames 12 years, 2 months ago
Gothama is at its highest level a stoic/buddhist/vedic-inspired critique of the ‘little pleasures’ of videogaming: the jingle of coins, a satisfying stomp, a well-timed dash and jump. These are the things on which 2d platforming is built, but to what extent do they lead us into endless cycles of ultimately fruitless action? How much of our energy and effort is directed towards short-term ephemeral gains and vain striving?
Initially, the player will storm through the game in classic Mario/Megaman/Sonic fashion. When they reach the end of the level, they realize that the very things they’ve been trained to do are the things that limit them from progressing...

Made in 48 hours at the San Francisco Global Game Jam:

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