Set Maya joint angles with Matrix33

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0 comments, last by The Vaseline Slug 12 years, 2 months ago

I export my models / rigs from maya to a custom format and when exporting the joints I use OpenMaya to give a Matrix33 of the angle.

Now I also have a tool that I made that will produce a .ma (maya ascii) file so that is can de reopend in Maya again.

The problem is that Maya will only take 3 doubles as the angles. (from what can see)

So I thought it must just take euler angles, but my conversion dose not give me the original angles.


X 0.172971, -0.890325, 0.421191
Y 0.924158, -0.001175, -0.382009
Z 0.340607, 0.455324, 0.822598

Angles I want to get back to:

(xyz) 0.0 -1.198 0.0

Any guidence on this would be great !

Note: I have done a fare bit of reasearch to try get this solved, but still at a loss.

Ok I manged to fix it, the problem was I was not multiplying my output by "180 / PI"

Servers me right for doing it at 6-7am sad.png

Solved !

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