Projective texture and Light Pre-Pass

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2 comments, last by VodacekWorks 12 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I have almost half of a year problem with implementation projective texture in my Light Pre-Pass renderer. My projector don't affect albedo and is drawn in lighting pass. I have this projector View a Projection matrix:
Matrix projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(-halfWidth * Scale, halfWidth * Scale, -halfHeight * Scale, halfHeight * Scale, -1000, 1000);
Matrix view = Matrix.CreateLookAt(Position, Target, Vector3.Up);

Where halfWidth and halfHeight is half texture width and height, Position is Projector position and target is projector target. This seems to be ok. I am drawing full screen quad with this shader:
float4x4 InvViewProjection;

texture2D DepthTexture;
texture2D NormalTexture;
texture2D ProjectorTexture;

float4x4 ProjectorViewProjection;

sampler2D depthSampler = sampler_state {
texture = <DepthTexture>;
minfilter = point;
magfilter = point;
mipfilter = point;

sampler2D normalSampler = sampler_state {
texture = <NormalTexture>;
minfilter = point;
magfilter = point;
mipfilter = point;

sampler2D projectorSampler = sampler_state {
texture = <ProjectorTexture>;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

float viewportWidth;
float viewportHeight;

// Calculate the 2D screen position of a 3D position
float2 postProjToScreen(float4 position) {
float2 screenPos = position.xy / position.w;
return 0.5f * (float2(screenPos.x, -screenPos.y) + 1);

// Calculate the size of one half of a pixel, to convert
// between texels and pixels
float2 halfPixel() {
return 0.5f / float2(viewportWidth, viewportHeight);

struct VertexShaderInput {
float4 Position : POSITION0;

struct VertexShaderOutput {
float4 Position :POSITION0;
float4 PositionCopy : TEXCOORD1;

VertexShaderOutput VertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input) {
VertexShaderOutput output;
output.Position = input.Position;
return output;

float4 PixelShaderFunction(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0 {
float2 texCoord =postProjToScreen(input.PositionCopy) + halfPixel();

// Extract the depth for this pixel from the depth map
float4 depth = tex2D(depthSampler, texCoord);
//return float4(depth.r,0,0,1);
// Recreate the position with the UV coordinates and depth value
float4 position;
position.x = texCoord.x * 2 - 1;
position.y = (1 - texCoord.y) * 2 - 1;
position.z = depth.r;
position.w = 1.0f;

// Transform position from screen space to world space
position = mul(position, InvViewProjection); /= position.w;
//compute projection
float3 projection=tex2D(projectorSampler,postProjToScreen(mul(position,ProjectorViewProjection)) + halfPixel());
return float4(projection,1);

In first part of pixel shader is recovered position from G-buffer (this code I am using in other shaders without any problem) and then is tranformed to projector viewprojection space. Where is hidden my mistake? Thanks for advice and please be tolerant to my english.
What's the actual problem that you're experiencing?
Problem is that projection doesn't appear. Here is image of my situation:

Green lines are rendered projector frustum.
nobody haven't any ideas?

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