[intro to calculation] pose problems N.-1

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4 comments, last by RulerOfNothing 12 years, 1 month ago
so here we have :

1.- A certain amount of people have to pay in same parts a total of $72 000 dollars. If they would be 3 less people then each one will have to contribute with $4000 dollars more . How many people are?

come on guys I have confidence in you :)
the answer is 9 :) win
I'm that imaginary number in the parabola of life.
You answered your own question? LOL

the answer is 9 smile.png win

May I ask how you came up with that answer? From your question, I generate the following equation

$perPerson = 72,000 / n
4000 = 72,000 / (n-3)

n = 72000/4000 + 3 = 21

So I thought the answer would be 21. Maybe my initial equation is wrong.
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May I ask how you came up with that answer? ...
So I thought the answer would be 21.

If they would be 3 less people

I thought this read as N-3, but what she really means is N/3 ("they would be 3 [times] less people").
The question says "$4000 more" so you want $perPerson + 4000 = 72000/(n-3).

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