Where can I learn C++

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5 comments, last by Dawoodoz 12 years, 1 month ago
I've been wanting to get started on programming, but every tutorial site I go to is very monotonous and boring. Are there any interactive sites that can keep me engaged to learn C++? smile.png
i used thenewboston's tutorials

they are fun but he doesn't teach as much as "boring" websites do.
There are two schools of thought here: The first is that you should grab a book and start reading. This may be monotonous and boring at times, but you get a ton of information and sometimes the author will mention corner cases that you wouldn't have thought of. The second school of thought is that you should just start programming and learn about the language as you go.

Personally I think the best way to learn a language is a mix of the two. I recommend you check out that book Accelerated C++, it's not too boring because the learning curve is a lot greater than most intro books. I find that this usually holds my interested better. As you read through the book, break out your IDE and start hacking on whatever little ideas come to you.

Too much reading and not enough programming never helped anyone. Similarly, too much programming and not enough reading will leave you with errors that you don't understand.
I recommend you:
A) Grab a good heavy C++ book. One that is thorough, even if boring.
For me, this was "C++ For Dummies", but there are many similar books equally good. Make sure whatever you get was written sometime in the past 5 years.

B) Grab a smaller book, one that you can skim through and use as a reference, and one that is less-boring and more 'fun'.
For me, this was a $10 "C++ Programming in Easy Steps", but there are equally crummy books available.

C) Bookmark a good website where you can look up C++ standard library topics.
I suggest: http://www.cplusplus.com/

D) Bookmark a good forum with a friendly community you can come to when you're stuck.
I suggest the forums you are currently on, just be sure to use it _after_ you've tried things yourself, and _after_ you've googled.

E) Regardless of what IDE the books are using, ignore them, and use Microsoft's Visual Studio if you are on Windows, or Code::Blocks as an alternative. Don't use Dev C++ which some older books recommend.

F) Programming will at first always be boring. You have to push through that, and stick with it regardless. Eventually, the very things you find boring now, will be a joy to you later. Seriously. Right now, programming may seem like a means to an end, but later programming will be an end unto itself.
If you've got the basics of the language down try my creating a game using C++ and SFML tutorial. It's quite long at 10 chapters, but should help you learn a number of C++ concepts in a more real-world manner than most tutorials, which by their size limits are often confined to abstract ( and often confusing ) examples. So if you are sick of trying to make dogs bark() and cats meow(), check it out.
GameFromScratch.com is a very good website. Just had a glance, and very impressed :D, congrats to Serapth. Clean and nice introduction for C++ game programming with the underrated SFML. Yet to get the best of game programming tutorials you need to learn basic C++; and to understand the logic and the principles, like OOP (Object Orientation Programming), Templates, and others.

Here are some good C++ tutorials to get started
Zeus CMD - Warning 6 years old, but in-depth concise and easy to follow tutorials to get started. And after all this time, as relevant as it has ever been.
CPP Home

Hope that you enjoy your new task of learning C++,as Servent of the Lord mentioned; it seem boring at first, but if you have the burning desire to learn you will excell in time. When you do pick it up, the payoff will be immeasurable and allows you to do the game programming you want to do and enjoy in doing it.

Dave 'Kit' Wilson - Reliant Code
You can learn Java before C++ so that you get used to the syntax first. Note that creating and destroying allocations may slow you down more in native C++ because you allocate memory directly from the operative system.

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