Run-Time Check Failure #0 Fun Stadium

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3 comments, last by SiCrane 12 years, 1 month ago
(C++, MSVC, DLLS and LIBS are being used)
Well, right to the issue!

This is called when you are finished with the class.

TriangleSoup::Release( )
// NOW: bad calling convention or stack mutililation
PhysicsAPIInternal()->RemoveFromSimulation( this );

delete this;

The commented line causes the following error:
"Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention."

I don't really know why!

This code is run inside the game dll, TriangleSoup is in a lib and PhysicsAPIInternal is calling a global gotten from the physicssystem dll.

Here is some of the relavent sources truncated to important bits:


class TriangleSoup: public ICollide
void Link( OcTree< ICollide* >::Node* node );
const Vector< OcTree< ICollide* >::Node* >* GetLinks( );
void Unlink( );

void Release( );

Vector< OcTree< ICollide* >::Node* > backlinks_; // broadphase backlinks

#include "trianglesoup.inl"


TriangleSoup::Link( OcTree< ICollide* >::Node* node )
backlinks_.InsertBack( node );

FORCEINLINE const Vector< OcTree< ICollide* >::Node* >*
TriangleSoup::GetLinks( )
return &backlinks_;

TriangleSoup::Unlink( )
for( uint32 i = 0; i < backlinks_.GetCount(); ++i )
backlinks_[ i ]->RemoveObject( this );


TriangleSoup::Release( )
// NOW: bad calling convention or stack mutililation
PhysicsAPIInternal()->RemoveFromSimulation( this );

delete this;


class IPhysicsSystemInternal
virtual ~IPhysicsSystemInternal( ) { ; }

virtual void AddToSimulation( ICollide* collide ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveFromSimulation( ICollide* collide ) = 0;

class PhysicsSystem: public IPhysicsSystemInternal, public IPhysicsSystem
PhysicsSystem( );
~PhysicsSystem( );

void AddToSimulation( ICollide* collide );
void RemoveFromSimulation( ICollide* collide );

// Internal Accessor
FORCEINLINE IPhysicsSystemInternal* PhysicsAPIInternal( )
extern IPhysicsSystem* _g_PhysicsSystemInstance;
Assert( _g_PhysicsSystemInstance );
return (IPhysicsSystemInternal*)_g_PhysicsSystemInstance;


PhysicsSystem::AddToSimulation( ICollide* collide )
// link to octree
Extents extents;
collide->GetExtents( extents );
ocTree_.AddObject( collide, extents );

// add to simualted entities
simulatedCollides_.InsertBack( collide );

PhysicsSystem::RemoveFromSimulation( ICollide* collide )
// unlink from octree

// remove from simulated entities
simulatedCollides_.FindFirstAndRemove( collide );

I'm not sure where to start here!
Thanks allot guys as usual.
Also, it only happenes when I use PhysicsAPIInternal() (which casts the global to a IPhysicsSystemInternal) because I declared the same methods in IPhysicsSystem (the public interface) and it works fine!

But now I have internals exposed.
Ok, a few things...
Does IPhysicsSystemInternal derive from IPhysicsSystem? No? Then why do you force it down that route with this cast:

extern IPhysicsSystem* _g_PhysicsSystemInstance;
Assert( _g_PhysicsSystemInstance );
return (IPhysicsSystemInternal*)_g_PhysicsSystemInstance;

C casts are BAD. Period. Use C++ casts. Chances are high that because you're forcing the pointer from type A to type B, where A not related to B, you've just screwed which virtual table you're actually pointing to.

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Errors like this are making a pretty convincing argument to go back to c++ style casting.

Anyway, 'IPhysicsSystemInternal' does not inherit 'IPhysicsSystem' (ATM, but it is supposed to at some point) so you're right there.

'_g_PhysicsSystemInstance' is supposed to point to an instance of 'PhysicsSystem' casted to an 'IPhysicsSystem' for public access. Since 'PhysicsSystem' inherits them both, can't I cast the '_g_PhysicsSystemInstance' either way indiscriminately?

It seems not, but I'm pretty unsure why this is.

In this case you can use a dynamic_cast to get from one interface to the other. A C style cast will just reinterpret the address as the other interface, but with multiple interfaces the interfaces have different addresses for the same object.

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