Behavior of energy conserving BRDF

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22 comments, last by MJP 12 years ago
I was implementing the normalization factor into my Blinn-Phong BRDF but am sceptical of it's results.
Using the normal BRDF without the normalization factor the result on a flat cube surface looks like this:

Now using the NormalizationFactor it becomes this:

Using this Code:

// Calculate Normalization Factor for Energy Conserving BRDF
float NormalizationFactor = (material.SpecularPower + 8) / (8 * PI);

// Calculate N dot H
float NH = NormalizationFactor * pow(saturate(dot(N, H)), material.SpecularPower);

So my specular reflection has gotten quite a lot bigger plus it seems to have lost its attenuation somehow.
Is that the correct result of using an energy conservative BRDF ?

Also by using this factor the term "Specular Intensity" as a material property becomes unnecessary I presume ?

Your normalization looks good, but you have 100% specular light, right now.
If you mix a little more diffuse to it, it should be fine. smile.png

You see, normalized Blinn-Phong is:
fr = Kd * saturate(dot(N,L))/pi + Ks * (n+8)/(8Pi) * pow(saturate(dot(N,H)), n)

Usually you want Kd+Ks<=1, since both integrals over the hemisphere yield 1:
Diffuse: [Formula] \int \frac{N^TL }{\pi} \partial \omega = 1 [/Formula]
Specular: [Formula] \int \frac{n+8}{8\pi} (N^TH) ^n \partial \omega = 1 [/Formula]
If Kd+Ks > 1 then your BRDF returns more radiance than it received irradiance.

PS: Perhaps you'd like to check out Ashikhmin-Shirley and Cook-Torrance. happy.png
Ok I'm already dividing my Diffuse Light by PI before adding it to the specular.
The screens above were just the specular term. The complete product looks something like this (with energy conservation):

How would I go about making sure that the sum does not go over 1 ? Do I need to saturate the result or is that already done by the normalization stuff ?

Ok I'm already dividing my Diffuse Light by PI before adding it to the specular.

Yeah, I figured that. smile.png
(Then it was just for completeness for the curious reader. happy.png )

How would I go about making sure that the sum does not go over 1 ? Do I need to saturate the result or is that already done by the normalization stuff ?

Kd and Ks are both material parameters and control how much diffuse and specular to add.
fr = Kd * diffuse + Ks * specular.
Diffuse and specular are normalized independently to 1. If you make sure that Kd + Ks <= 1 then everything is fine, since fr<=1 holds as well.
So Kd and Ks would actually be the Diffuse and Specular Color ?
Or is that just a float you'd insert in there to control the ratio from the application?
Actually it’s both. For one thing it’s a ratio that scales the terms so that the sum is smaller than one (often diffuse and specular map summed up are bigger than one.)
They can also be colors, if you think of it as a weighted diffuse map / weighted specular map, but then it gets a little tricky.

Assume you have a white (incoming) light (1,1,1) and your wall is perfectly diffuse red. To maintain the energy, your wall must actually reflect (3,0,0), not (1,0,0).
So, what you basically do is:
[Formula]\bar{\rho} = (\rho_r + \rho_g + \rho_b)/3 \\\Delta\phi_{rgb}"= \frac{\rho_{rgb}}{\bar{\rho}} \Delta\phi_{rgb} [/Formula]
[Formula]\rho_{rgb}=(1,0,0) ~~~ \Delta\phi_{rgb}=(1,1,1) ~~~ \bar{\rho}=1/3 ~~~\Delta\phi_{rgb}"=(3,0,0)[/Formula]
In practice this gives you much more colorful light (after tonemapping). Sometimes it’s too colorful. smile.png So, at times people just lerp the corrected color with the non-corrected to lessen the effect.
It's up to you whether you do this correction.
mmmh that math is a little confusing to me tongue.png
How would that translate to hlsl code what you are doing there?

So I understand your example that it has to reflect (3, 0, 0) but what is it you're actually computing there?
Update: But wait wouldn't the resulting vector of (1, 1, 1) and (1, 0, 0) not be (2, 1, 1) instead of (3, 0, 0) ?
That first line is basically getting the average of p (color of the pixel/material?), right ?
So dividing that color by its average and multiplying it by the lightColor is the solution ? But the result would still be (3, 0, 0) or not ? But the idea was to keep it between 0-1 or not ?
Okay, let’s stay with that wall sample.

Let’s say we have white light coming in (1,1,1). So actually we can think of it as three photons (1xred, 1xgreen, 1xblue). So the flux (energy) coming in here is actually 3. This means, our output should better be three as well. smile.png

If there is a red diffuse wall and it says, that all the incoming energy is turned red, then the walls output ratio is (1,0,0). If you’d have a yellow wall, it would be (0.5, 0.5, 0), see? The components of the ratio sum up to 1. Multiplied with dot(N,L)/Pi we still stay <1.

With the little formula above there, I took the incoming light ([Formula]\Delta_{rgb}[/Formula]) and distributed it according to the output ratio.
Let me see, if I can dig out some old code (well, I found CUDA code, so I don’t guarantee for HLSL syntax correctness smile.png).
Since so to say three photons came in (1xred, 1xgreen, 1xblue), we threw three photons out (3xred to be more precisely).

// Weighted diffuse map.
float3 Kd = texture2D(ColorSampler, input.TexCoord).rgb * diffuseRatio; // diffuseRatio is a material parameter

// compute diffuse color
float3 diffuse = Kd * saturate(dot(N,L)) / PI;

// preserve energy (optional)
diffuse *= 3.0f / (Kd.r + Kd.g + Kd.b);

// same for specular...
result = diffuse + specular;

I hope that clears this a little up. smile.png

Small sample:
Kd * Light / ((Kd.r+Kd.g+Kd.b) / 3)
= (1,0,0) * (1,1,1) / ( (1+0+0) / 3 )
= (1,0,0) * (1,1,1) * 3 = (3,0,0). Works.
In your example you say ((Kd.r + Kd.g + Kd.b) / 3) but in your code it's the other way around (3 / (Kd.r + Kd.g + Kd.b)).
Which one is right tongue.png ?

Anyway thanks a lot for explaining it all :)

In your example you say ((Kd.r + Kd.g + Kd.b) / 3) but in your code it's the other way around (3 / (Kd.r + Kd.g + Kd.b)).
Which one is right tongue.png ?

If I’m not mistaken it’s the same.
In the code I multiply with 3 / (Kd.r + Kd.g + Kd.b).
In the equation I divide by (Kd.r + Kd.g + Kd.b) / 3, which is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal (as I've done in the code).

Sorry, for writing it so confusing in the first place. smile.png

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