Getting trouble with obtaining depth info

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4 comments, last by donguow 12 years ago
Hi guys,

I am trying to implement an app using Image Based Rendering (IBR) technique. At the very beginning stage, I try to get depth info from frame buffer. Here is a piece of code that I used to obtain depth info:

GLfloat* depth= new GLfloat[nWidth * nHeight];
glReadPixels(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, depth);

The result ends up looking pretty weird when I print it out.

for (int i = 0; i < nHeight * nWidth; i++)
cout << depth << " ";

depth (i = 0, 1, 2,...) have the same value 1. Can someone give me an explaination?

Thanks in advance
Because when you call glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) each pixel of depth buffer set to 1 (very far distance, 0 - too close).
You can change a value for clearing depth by calling glClearDepth
If you expecting different values (which can be computed from drawing scene) make sure:
- common things (like viewport, projection, ...) are set correctly (means "as you expect");
- glDepthMask is on;
- you are drawing some 3d objects (which are visible in projection) and you are calling glReadPixels nearly after them.

Little example "Getting depth value by mouse lookup":

// draw scene objects here......

// MouseX - cursor x position on window
// MouseY - cursor y position on window
// Height - height of your window
float depth;
glReadPixels(MouseX, Height - MouseY - 1, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &depth);
printf("depth : %f \r", depth);
// if you want to retrieve 3d point at given cursor position use gluUnProject for that

Best wishes, FXACE.
Thanks FXACE. Now I can get depth info. Now I'm trying to save it into an image. If you have any idea, plz share :)
I ran into another problem when trying to get viewport info.

GLint viewport[4];
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport)

viewport[0] and viewport[1] are always 0 while viewport[2] and viewport[3] correctly reflect the value of width and height of the window.

Any explaination?

What did you expect the viewport values to be? Sounds like the correct values if your viewport covers the whole window.
Yep. That's correct. Thanks Bob. I am mistaken.

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