Odd UV issues when creating FBX at runtime Unity3D

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1 comment, last by theMadMonster 12 years ago
I am having a bit of an issue with passing in UVs to a mesh that is created in Unity 3D. I am creating a fbx model at runtime with Unity using Autodesk FBX SDK and everything works fine unit I get to the texture. In the image you can see the heads that are being created for the body. The top image is showing the UVs and the bottom image is with the actual texture. The head in the middle is that one that is created at run time. The odd thing, is that the head on the left is that same head that is created at run time just added to the scene later by hand. So the uvs seem to be right.

A little more of an explination of what is going on here. I am creating a solid model at the end of this but it starts in pieces due to the programs that are creating the models. The body is an FBX to support animations and the head is created in FaceGen which only exports in OBJs. So we are converting the OBJ info into a fbx format so that we can add the head back on to work with animations. This is all working but I am left with this ugly texture issue. I have tried passing in the UV info from the origninal FBX head, and also from the OBJ which is the final target morph but still get the same ugly seam. If anyone has any ideas on what this could be I would really appreceate it, or just some ideas on things that I should start looking into.


Your obj models actually technically split at the seam, where as your generated model shares UVs
Its interpolating across that seam, where as you want it to interpolate up to the seam. Basically you need two sets of UV information at the seam, one stores U value of 0 and the other stores U value of 1.

Do you understand what I mean?
Thanks that makes sense. I've been tasked to some other things for now, this issue has been deamed less important. So I will be back to visit this issue later this week or next. I am sure I will have some questions about it then. Thanks again

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