lib3ds and texture mapping?

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6 comments, last by f1af 12 years ago
hello again!

i have fixed up a few problems on my 3ds loader using lib3ds, my only problem now is that i have no idea how to load a texture map onto the loaded model. do i have to use lib3ds Material or something like that?


#include "main.h"
#include "lib3ds/file.h"
#include "lib3ds/mesh.h"
#include "lib3ds/material.h"

class Object
Object(const char* filename);
virtual ~Object();
virtual void Draw() const;
virtual void CreateVBO();
void applyTexture(const char*texfilename);

void GetFaces();
unsigned int m_TotalFaces;
Lib3dsFile * m_model;

Lib3dsMesh* Mesh;
GLuint textureObject;
GLuint m_VertexVBO, m_NormalVBO, m_TexCoordVBO;


#include "3dsloader.h"
#include "shader.h"

Object::Object(const char* filename)
m_TotalFaces = 0;
m_model = lib3ds_file_load(filename);
// If loading the model failed, we throw an exception
cout << ("Unable to load ", filename);
Lib3dsMesh* mesh = lib3ds_file_mesh_by_name(m_model,"filename");

if(m_model) // if the file isn't freed yet
lib3ds_file_free(m_model); //free up memory

void Object::GetFaces()
m_TotalFaces = 0;
Lib3dsMesh * mesh;
// Loop through every mesh.
for(mesh = m_model->meshes;mesh != NULL;mesh = mesh->next)
// Add the number of faces this mesh has to the total number of faces.
m_TotalFaces += mesh->faces;
void Object::CreateVBO()
assert(m_model != NULL);
// Calculate the number of faces we have in total
// Allocate memory for our vertices and normals
Lib3dsVector * vertices = new Lib3dsVector[m_TotalFaces * 3];
Lib3dsVector * normals = new Lib3dsVector[m_TotalFaces * 3];
Lib3dsTexel* texCoords = new Lib3dsTexel[m_TotalFaces * 3];

Lib3dsMesh * mesh;
unsigned int FinishedFaces = 0;
// Loop through all the meshes
for(mesh = m_model->meshes;mesh != NULL;mesh = mesh->next)

lib3ds_mesh_calculate_normals(mesh, &normals[FinishedFaces*3]);
// Loop through every face
for(unsigned int cur_face = 0; cur_face < mesh->faces;cur_face++)

Lib3dsFace * face = &mesh->faceL[cur_face];
for(unsigned int i = 0;i < 3;i++)

memcpy(&texCoords[FinishedFaces*2 + i], mesh->texelL[face->points[ i ]], sizeof(Lib3dsTexel));
memcpy(&vertices[FinishedFaces*3 + i], mesh->pointL[face->points[ i ]].pos, sizeof(Lib3dsVector));




// Generate a Vertex Buffer Object and store it with our vertices
glGenBuffers(1, &m_VertexVBO);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_VertexVBO);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Lib3dsVector) * 3 * m_TotalFaces, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Generate another Vertex Buffer Object and store the normals in it
glGenBuffers(1, &m_NormalVBO);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_NormalVBO);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Lib3dsVector) * 3 * m_TotalFaces, normals, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Generate a third VBO and store the texture coordinates in it.
glGenBuffers(1, &m_TexCoordVBO);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_TexCoordVBO);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Lib3dsTexel) * 3 * m_TotalFaces, texCoords, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

// Clean up our allocated memory
delete vertices;
delete normals;
delete texCoords;

// We no longer need lib3ds
m_model = NULL;
void Object::applyTexture(const char*texfilename)

textureObject = SOIL_load_OGL_texture(texfilename,SOIL_LOAD_AUTO,SOIL_CREATE_NEW_ID,SOIL_FLAG_MIPMAPS);

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,textureObject);// use our newest texture

void Object::Draw() const

// Enable vertex, normal and texture-coordinate arrays.

// Bind the VBO with the normals.
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_NormalVBO);
// The pointer for the normals is NULL which means that OpenGL will use the currently bound VBO.
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_TexCoordVBO);
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0,(char *) NULL);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_VertexVBO);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);
// Render the triangles.
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, m_TotalFaces * 3);


at the moment all of the texture co-ordinates are messed up, it looks like this:


the output should actually be a perfectly mapped pyramid with no black parts
no one has any ideas??
Just create a simple plane model, save it as .3ds and load it. Then see at which point the texture coordinates get messed up. It should be 0/0, 0/1, 1/1 etc. when you load it.
If you want to save yourself a lot of time, then forget about 3ds, its lacking things in too many ways. Try .obj for a simple format that also supports bigger meshes. Its also very easy to create your own loader for it.
thanks man!
number of tex coord not equal numer of face. if tex coord on neighboring face is equal - both face has one texcoord.
for example, if you have default cube-object, you have 24 faces, but 8 vertexes and 8 texcoord.

1,1 | | 1,1
0,0 0,1 | | 0,1 0,0
-------------- --------------

this two face have 3 tex coord. not 6. 3 on both. somsing like that...

number of tex coord not equal numer of face. if tex coord on neighboring face is equal - both face has one texcoord.
for example, if you have default cube-object, you have 24 faces, but 8 vertexes and 8 texcoord.

1,1 | | 1,1
0,0 0,1 | | 0,1 0,0
-------------- --------------

this two face have 3 tex coord. not 6. 3 on both. somsing like that...

could you modify my code so it makes more sense. this could help me and many other people with this problem?
it uogly, in the future I fix it function. but if call this function after load 3ds, tex coord will by fixed.

void WorkBase::vertexNoDifTexCoordExtract( SPtr<BaseMesh> baseMesh ) const
SPtr<BaseSide> sptrSide;
SPtr<BaseAI> sptrBaseAI;
uint indexCount, indexOfVertex, pointCount = baseMesh->point()->count() / 8;

char doneIndex[pointCount];
memset( doneIndex, 0, pointCount*sizeof( char ) );

for ( uint i = 0; baseMesh->side()->next( &i, &sptrSide ); )
for ( uint j = 0; sptrSide->arrayIndex()->next( &j, &sptrBaseAI ); )
indexCount = sptrBaseAI->index()->count();

if (indexCount>64000) continue;

for ( uint n = 0; n < indexCount; n++ )
indexOfVertex = *sptrBaseAI->index()->atRo( n );

if ( !doneIndex[indexOfVertex] ) doneIndex[indexOfVertex] = 1;
for ( uint m = 0; m < 8; m++ )
if (( indexOfVertex*8 + m ) < baseMesh->point()->count() ) // TODO kastil', need normal fix
float varFloat = *baseMesh->point()->atRo( indexOfVertex * 8 + m );
baseMesh->point()->appendVar( varFloat );

*sptrBaseAI->index()->atRw( n ) = baseMesh->point()->count() / 8 - 1;


AI - its Array Indexes.

If u intresting, if u need, I can give my code of load 3ds. Its class, inherit from some python-3ds-module-source-code, not lib3ds. In the future I wont use lib3ds. But now.. my uogly, but working code:

#include "drawlib/scene/loader_3ds.h"

#include "drawlib/scene/scene_manager.h"

namespace drawlib

Loader3DS::Loader3DS( SceneManager *sceneManager )
m_sceneManager = sceneManager;
m_forStreamSteckStart = 0;
m_forStreamSteckEnd = 0;
m_wasError = false;
setIsSimple( false );


void Loader3DS::P_updatePersent()
int persent = 1 + (( 100 * m_currentFileDevice->at() ) / m_currentFileDevice->size() );

if ( m_sceneManager->jobManager()->isThreadOn() )
setProgress( persent );

void Loader3DS::setWasErrorToFalse()
m_wasError = false;

bool Loader3DS::getWasError() const
return m_wasError;

void Loader3DS::load( SPtr<BaseMesh> baseMesh, QString fileName, QString *nameObject )
if ( nameObject ) *nameObject = "3ds";

m_sceneManager->storer()->mesh()->setHide( baseMesh, true );

m_listForStreamBaseMesh.append( baseMesh );
m_listForStreamFileName.append( fileName );

m_sceneManager->jobManager()->doRun( this );

void Loader3DS::reset()

// m_sceneManager=0; - not need



m_fileName = QString::null;
m_pathToFile = QString::null;

m_indexOffset = 0;
m_version = 0;
m_count_mapUV = 0;

if ( m_forStreamSteckStart == m_forStreamSteckEnd )
m_forStreamSteckStart = 0;
m_forStreamSteckEnd = 0;

************************ for QThread *************************

void Loader3DS::startJob()
m_baseMesh = * m_forStreamSteckStart );
m_fileName = * m_forStreamSteckStart );

setName( "load: \"" + QFileInfo( m_fileName ).fileName() + "\"" );

m_pathToFile = QFileInfo( m_fileName ).dirPath();
// m_baseMesh->point()->setBlokSize( 250000 );

if ( !ProcessFile( m_fileName.latin1() ) ) m_wasError = true;

if ( m_version != 3 ) m_wasError = true;

void Loader3DS::endJob()
m_baseMesh = * m_forStreamSteckEnd );

m_sceneManager->workBase()->vertexNoDifTexCoordExtract( m_baseMesh );
m_sceneManager->workBase()->normalize( m_baseMesh );

uint textureId = 0;
QValueList<uint> filter;

for ( uint i = 0; m_baseMesh->side()->next( &i, &m_baseSide ); )
if ( !m_baseSide->getMaterialId() ) continue;

m_baseMaterial = m_sceneManager->storer()->material()->idToSPtr( m_baseSide->getMaterialId() );
textureId = m_baseMaterial->getTextureId();

if ( !textureId ) continue;

if ( filter.find( textureId ) != filter.end() ) continue;
else filter.append( textureId );

m_sceneManager->storer()->texture()->idToSPtr( textureId )->update();

m_sceneManager->storer()->mesh()->setHide( m_baseMesh, false );

********************* Check correct 3ds **********************

bool Loader3DS::UserVersion( uint version )
m_version = version;

if ( m_version != 3 ) return false;

return true;

*********************** Material list ************************

void Loader3DS::UserMatName( const string name )
uint id;
BaseMaterial *baseMaterial;
m_sceneManager->storer()->material()->create( baseMaterial, id );
m_baseMaterial.set( baseMaterial );
m_mapMaterial[name] = id;

void Loader3DS::UserMatColor( float c0, float c1, float c2, int flag )
if ( flag == 1 ) m_baseMaterial->color()->setColor( c0 / 1.4f, c1 / 1.4f, c2 / 1.4f );
else if ( flag == 2 ) m_baseMaterial->color()->setColorAmbient( c0, c1, c2 );
else m_baseMaterial->color()->setColorSpecular( c0, c1, c2 );

void Loader3DS::UserMapFile( const string fileName )
uint textureId;
BaseTexture *baseTexture;
SPtr<BaseTexture> baseTextureSPtr;

m_sceneManager->storer()->texture()->create( baseTexture, textureId );
baseTextureSPtr.set( baseTexture );

if ( m_sceneManager->loaderImage()->load( baseTextureSPtr,
m_pathToFile + "/" + QString( fileName ).lower() ) )
m_baseMaterial->setTextureId( textureId );


*************************** Vertex ***************************

void Loader3DS::User3dVertCount( unsigned short count )
count = 0;
m_indexOffset = m_baseMesh->point()->count() / 8;
m_count_mapUV = 0;


void Loader3DS::User3dVert( float x, float y, float z )
m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( 0 );
m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( 0 );

m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( 0 );
m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( 0 );
m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( 0 );

m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( x );
m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( y );
m_baseMesh->point()->appendVar( z );

void Loader3DS::UserMapVertex( float u, float v )
*m_baseMesh->point()->atRw(( m_indexOffset + m_count_mapUV )*8 + 0 ) = u;
*m_baseMesh->point()->atRw(( m_indexOffset + m_count_mapUV )*8 + 1 ) = v;

*************************** Index ****************************

void Loader3DS::User3dFaceCount( unsigned short )
m_baseSide = m_baseMesh->side()->createSPtr();
m_baseAI = m_baseSide->arrayIndex()->createSPtr();
m_baseAI->setMode( GL_TRIANGLES );
m_indexForSmoothCount = 0;


void Loader3DS::User3dFace( unsigned short a, unsigned short b, unsigned short c, unsigned short )
m_baseAI->index()->appendVar( a + m_indexOffset );
m_baseAI->index()->appendVar( b + m_indexOffset );
m_baseAI->index()->appendVar( c + m_indexOffset );

void Loader3DS::UserFaceSmoothList( uint Index )
m_baseSide->appendSmoothFace( Index, m_indexForSmoothCount );

********************* Material on side ***********************

void Loader3DS::UserFaceMaterialName( string name )
m_baseSideMaterial = m_baseMesh->side()->createSPtr();;
m_baseAIMaterial = m_baseSideMaterial->arrayIndex()->createSPtr();
m_baseAIMaterial->setMode( GL_TRIANGLES );
m_baseSideMaterial->setMaterialId( m_mapMaterial[name] );

void Loader3DS::UserFaceMaterialNumber( int number )
uint a = m_baseAI->index()->atRo( number * 3 )[0];
uint b = m_baseAI->index()->atRo( number * 3 )[1];
uint c = m_baseAI->index()->atRo( number * 3 )[2];

m_baseAIMaterial->index()->appendVar( a );
m_baseAIMaterial->index()->appendVar( b );
m_baseAIMaterial->index()->appendVar( c );

m_baseAI->index()->atRw( number*3 )[0] = ( uint ) - 1;
m_baseAI->index()->atRw( number*3 )[1] = ( uint ) - 1;
m_baseAI->index()->atRw( number*3 )[2] = ( uint ) - 1;

void Loader3DS::User3dFaceFinish()
SPtr<BaseSide> oldBaseSide = m_baseSide;
SPtr<BaseAI> oldBaseAI = m_baseAI;

m_baseSide = m_baseMesh->side()->createSPtr();
m_baseAI = m_baseSide->arrayIndex()->createSPtr();
m_baseAI->setMode( GL_TRIANGLES );

for ( uint i = 0, a = 0; i < oldBaseAI->index()->count(); i++ )
a = oldBaseAI->index()->atRo( i )[0];
if ( a != ( uint ) - 1 ) m_baseAI->index()->appendVar( a );

m_baseMesh->side()->removeBySPtr( oldBaseSide );

if ( !m_baseAI->index()->count() )
m_baseMesh->side()->removeBySPtr( m_baseSide );


e, e. whell come to hell.. %))

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