so many thing to learn! where do i start?!

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7 comments, last by Serapth 12 years ago
coming to these forums not long ago I posted a few posts and got a LOT of feed-back and what I need to do on becoming a programmer and game designer.

Now, that I have the information at my feet, what should I tackle first?

I have Microsoft visual express 2010 and learning C#.
Should I learn the visual studio thoroughly, on what does what, and how to access and use all the different parts of the program?

Or should I go straight into the C# learning and let the program just kind of learn as I go?

I’ve also been told I should learn some computer science, should I go straight into this first? Or is not as important and try to just mix it in with my C# learning.

Thanks guys you have all been very helpful!!!
My recommendation is that you jump straight into writing code; start learning to program in C# as soon as possible, and learn what you need about your tools (Visual Studio) as you go along. Visual C# offers a lot of features and functionality, and until you're actually tackling a problem that uses a particular feature you probably won't get a great understanding of how to use it properly.

Likewise, learning some computer science is a good idea, but until such time as you can actually apply it to a working program you may have trouble truly understanding the material.

Write lots of code, make lots of mistakes, and spend the time to learn why things are going wrong. Change things about your example programs, see what happens, and try to understand why it happened. You should very quickly get comfortable with the basic usage of your tools, and from there you might want to think about learning what all the other options are.

Hope that helps! smile.png

- Jason Astle-Adams

Yes thank you it makes sense! 1 question im confused on if you know- when i open a new project with my microsoft visual i have to choose 1 of the following:windows forms application/WPF application/Console application/class library/WPF browser application/ or an empty project. what is the point of these? what the differences? thanks
Sure! These are different types of applications -- when you create a new project in Visual Studio, it will set a number of options on your behalf (as well as generating some basic boiler-plate code in some cases) based on the type of application you choose to create.

For now you should be fine to proceed with the simple explanation that "they are for making different types of programs".

Whatever resource you have chosen to learn C# should recommend an appropriate choice for you; you will most likely be starting off with either console application (text based, runs in the command window -- a good way to learn the basics without having to deal with all the work of creating a graphical user interface), or an empty project. The majority of other options listed there deal with different GUI technologies, and a class library is a way of sharing code between multiple projects. You'll learn more about the different options as you get to them, and I wouldn't worry too much about the specifics for now as long as you're able to get up and running with your beginner projects; if you're interested though, simply Googling the different names should bring up some information on each option, although you may not yet be ready to understand more technical explanations.


- Jason Astle-Adams

well what you said actually made some sense haha thats a good sign im learning stuff XD

but yea usally its the console app, but the windows form app i used once and made some buttons and things wasnt that hard.
thanks for your help, again! :P
If it helps i have started uploading game programming tutorials (c# and XNA) (written and video) aimed at beginners. They were written for my extra curricular ICT club.

If it helps i have started uploading game programming tutorials (c# and XNA) (written and video) aimed at beginners. They were written for my extra curricular ICT club.
hey man thanks,but when i first clicked on your link it took me to a pretty dirty site... and i got so many pop-ups my computer froze. closed it all out and then your site was there haha, i dont what happen, maybe your site's got a virus or something.

EDIT:yea my virus protection blocked and quarantined several viruses from your, id have that checked out

but thanks the tutorials are helping
That's a bit scary, thanks i'll go and check that out :(
When it comes to learning Visual Studio, it's really one of those "find it when you need it" type exercises. THe nice part about the Express versions is they have done a pretty effective job of gutting the non-essential bits. There is an absolute ton of functionality in Visual Studio, but you really only need about 1% of it for game development. I would learn the projects settings area, how the debugger works and thats about it for now.

Do learn the debugger though, it will make your life a thousand times easier, and VS has one of the best debuggers in existence.

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