VC++ 2010 Deafult Project Linker Settings Messed Up

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1 comment, last by Lith 12 years ago
I am using Visual C++ 2010 and when I create a new project, in the linker settings under 'Additional Dependencies', it allways has the library 'sfml-window-d.lib'. When I look in the project's 'Inherited linker additional dependencies', I see the sfml-window-d.lib, along with all the other deafult libraries.

Is there any way to change the project deafults so that I can remove the 'sfml-window-d.lib' from it?

  • View/Other Windows/Property Manager
  • In Solution Explorer, switch to the Property Manager tab
  • Open FooProject/Debug
  • Look for "Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.User" or similar
  • Right click, hit Properties
  • Modify the linker settings and save them off
  • Repeat as necessary for x64/Release/et. al.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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Thankyou! My problem is now fixed!

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