Recommendations for Authoritative Network Model

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39 comments, last by Angus Hollands 11 years, 10 months ago
Hello Everyone!
I'm a little new here, but i recognise that this particular forum is probably the biggest entity devoted to multiplayer, especially within a game model.
I am working on a game in an engine that runs Python, and I have experience with non-authoritative server - client architectures. If not for my own interest, I am progressing toward an Authoritative server for my networking model, but alas I am slow to progress. I would be very grateful if people were able to recommend any useful books, PDFs or web articles that could help me document its tie ins. I have already read the Source Networking article, and Gafferson's pages!
Those are actually pretty good resources.

What, in particular, do you want more information on? Is there something you're trying to do right now that you're having trouble with?
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

Those are actually pretty good resources.

What, in particular, do you want more information on? Is there something you're trying to do right now that you're having trouble with?

Thank you for your reply.
My issue is purely conceptual, and not in terms of implementation within a code framework. I am fairly used to socket programming, though I use Python.
I am not looking for anyone to start recommending libraries or to use another language. Not that I assume anyone will, but i find often on #Python people quote Twisted regularly, and the game engine I am using runs on Python.

Here is my documentation of progress:
It may prevent you from seeing the attached images, for which i apologise.

I would like if anyone could offer some advice if i have made any errors.
My main concerns relate to state synchronisation and lag compensation:

1) How would you perform delta updates? My current understanding is that you would determine the changes since the last update acknowledged. If this is the case, would you send the transformations of data between the latest gamestate and the client's data? I presume you only send full snapshots if severe packet loss occurs.
Or, would you send a list of gamestates which the client runs?
2) How would you identify delta updates / full game states? Would you assign IDs to the packets, or use time stamps? I presume the former, because server and client time may differ ... unless you used game time....

In Python you cannot serialise objects, so i would use a dictionary (which is kind of similar to an array in C++).
Sorry for the long post. I find it hard to find comprehensive examples / theory / papers that relate to Python because, it is at the end of the day, a different approach (higher level language), and I'm not studying computer science!

I hope I don't sound over-thinking or misdirected. I am painfully aware that it would be very easy, as a hobbyist, to produce a setup which didn't correctly account for latency and synchronisation and I would regret it in the long run (as well as be blissfully unaware of the synchronisation aspect to networking).

May thanks to everyone!
I appreciate I'm asking a little generically. Is there anywhere else that I could find information on this topic?
I think you'll have to read some code. The source code for Quake 3, Doom 3, and many other fine games is publicly available. There are also various "MMO server emulator" projects in various states of completion around the web.
Another option is just to try it out. Write a game. Stick networking in it. Try different things, and see how it works out.
There is no "right" or "wrong" answer, just various trade-offs for meeting various design goals.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Thank you for your advice hplus!
So, I've decided that yes, i shall continue through trial and error. at the moment, I'm working on full world snapshots.
I have a few questions before i progress;

  1. As i will eventually include lag prediction and so forth, how should i synchronise the ticks between the server and client? If the server keeps a record of the current game tick, how should the client synchronise itself so it can map itself to the client and run backwards prediction.
  2. As the avatar objects that represent other clients must be stored, I was thinking of creating a separate class that manages the users on the client. This made me realise that I may as well keep some form of game state local to the client so that i can update more than just positions and orientations of the clients. Is this a bad method?
  3. A small question; what are the typical transmit rates for the server game state, client events and the update rate for the server game state?
Typically, each "step" has a number, assigned by the server. The client will notice what "step" the time is when it receives data for step X. Also, the client can measure how "distant" the server is in time by measuring round trip time.

Typically, the clients and servers both keep copies of the (publicly known) game state. The role of the server is to keep the clients as up-to-date as possible with the observable state of the game.

Typically, you only send full game states every once in a while, as "baselines." Then you just forward command inputs from all the players to all the players, which lets you run the simulation in parallel on all the machines. This saves a LOT of bandwidth. The inputs per player per tick is just a few bytes; the game state might be a hundred bytes per player. For a 20-Hz game with 8 players, that would be about 16 kB/sec of "full state" data, which is more than you'd want to use. FWIW, Xbox Live games are supposed to work fine with less than 8 kB/sec of total bandwidth (64 kbps) available.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Thanks hplus. I think what i need to do is to avoid processing game state on the client until it receives a full snapshot from the server, and takes the server's current tick from that, therefore it can keep track of the ticks on the client. Should the client operate at the same tick rate as the server? Or at least be aware of the tick difference between the server and client?
Also, what are typical tick rates in the industry for FPSs?

  1. Server world update (thinking about 60)
  2. Server send world update to clients (30 times a second?)
  3. Client sends inputs (Not sure, 30 again?)
Should the client operate at the same tick rate as the server? Or at least be aware of the tick difference between the server and client?[/quote]

Yes, and yes.

Your simulation "should" use a fixed step time, which means a fixed tick rate. Anything else will cause lots of problems, and not really give you anything that's worth anything in my experience (and that of many others on the interwebs.)

Your client will have communication latency to the server. The client, to provide the best experience, wants to be aware of how much the round-trip is, to be able to do some kind of latency hiding. Exactly what you do, depends on the game mechanics, and how you choose to hide that latency -- pretty much 90% of the good sauce of network game programming goes into that part.

Typical rates for physics are from 30 Hz up to 120+ Hz. Typical rates for network packets are from 10 Hz to 30 Hz. Typical rates for "full state dumps" are from "never" to "occasionally," whereas rates for "command/input updates" are typically "every frame, batched into every network tick."
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Thank you again Hplus for your support.
So, I beleive I should first start "batching" packets.
I plan to store the input dumps each frame, and sending the batched packets every 2 / 6 ticks(depending on the frequency).
However, this does somewhat reduce the simplicity of the design.
At the moment, the server receives user inputs in single packets, and stores them on a class (object). The game state simply reads these and performs logic on the client each tick.
Should the server receive these batches, and spread them over each frame, so in the same way they were read over a few frames they are counted as new inputs over a few frames, OR should the server apply these inputs during the same tick - iterating over each packet, and updating the game state in turn? It seems to me that the former may be more logical to save processing on the server, but I would love a second opinion.

Latency hiding sounds like the main task, but obviously it requires a position whereby the client is aware of the age of its received game states.

With the client, I expect to keep track of the first received game state tick, then it will relate its own tick to that.
I beleive that by getting the tick rate from the server, and working out the RTT time, i could find out the current tick on the server, so that the client would set itself to the same tick number. Because they operate on the same tick rate they shouldn't fall out of synch too quickly. If they do, i could work out the rtt time, get the tick rate again etc.
Unless I should just get the tick from the server and treat that as the current tick, regardless of latency?

Then, My next question (Sorry for asking, you're awfully helpful). When the client receives the confirmation server packet of its actions, it will be old data, by at least a few ticks. Therefore, when i add in prediction etc, the game state on the client is newer (for the client) than the server packet it receives. Therefore, should i keep some form of log of all the game states per tick? Or, should i keep track of different changes in game states (e.g a direction change of a client, not just a position change if it continues along that vector), and the ticks upon which they occured, so i can use interpolation to determine what the client predicted that change to be? I can't see how else to confirm the prediction as vaild.

Thanks again Hplus, this forum is great.

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