XNA NormalizedByte4 Not Supported?

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1 comment, last by ChristOwnsMe 11 years, 10 months ago
I am trying to generate procedural textures, and was using some functions that use NormalizedByte4. However, whenever I actually draw something, on the apply() of the shader I am using, I get an exception "XNA Framework HiDef profile does not support vertex texture format NormalizedByte4." I am using PS 3.0 as well. I googled a lot and could barely find any info on NormalizedByte4, let alone it not being supported in HiDef. Any ideas? Thank you.
Actual SM3.0 hardware that supported vertex texture fetch (Nvidia 6000-series and 7000-series) only supported 32-bit floating point texture formats in the vertex shader. So I'm guessing they probably restricted the HiDef profile to those formats, so that they could support that subset of hardware.
Thanks for the info.

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