SDL Running Bugs

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0 comments, last by juliano7s 11 years, 10 months ago
When I run my program all it does is run for about 0.235 or so seconds and the the program closes itself, any help on finding the possible bug would be greatly appreciated. The code itself was much of my own but some parts were puzzle pieced together from around the internet.

[source lang="cpp"]#include"SDL/SDL.h"
using namespace std;

//video attribuets
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 600;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600;
const int SCREEN_BPP = 32;

SDL_Surface* screen = NULL;
SDL_Surface* background = NULL;
SDL_Surface* All = NULL;

SDL_Event event;

SDL_Rect board[9];

SDL_Surface* load_image(string filename)
//temporarily store image
SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL;

//optimize Image
SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL;

//load image
loadedImage = IMG_Load(filename.c_str());

if(loadedImage != NULL)
//optimize Image
optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat(loadedImage);

//free old surface

if(optimizedImage != NULL)
SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB( optimizedImage->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF ) );

//return image
return optimizedImage;

void apply_surface(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* source, SDL_Surface* destination)
//create rectangel
SDL_Rect offset;

offset.x = x;
offset.y = y;

//blit screen
SDL_BlitSurface(source, NULL, destination, &offset);

bool init()
//initlize everyting
return false;


//if screen didn't work
if(screen == NULL)
return false;

//Set window caption
SDL_WM_SetCaption( "Jakobs Final Project: Tic Tac Toe", NULL );

//if no errors
return true;

bool load_files()
background = load_image("board.png");
All = load_image("null.png");

if(background == NULL)
return false;

if(All == NULL)
return false;

//if no errors
return true;

void clean_up()

void set_clips()
board[ 0 ].x = 0;
board[ 0 ].y = 0;
board[ 0 ].w = 200;
board[ 0 ].h = 200;

board[ 1 ].x = 200;
board[ 1 ].y = 0;
board[ 1 ].w = 200;
board[ 1 ].h = 200;

board[ 2 ].x = 400;
board[ 2 ].y = 0;
board[ 2 ].w = 200;
board[ 2 ].h = 200;

board[ 3 ].x = 0;
board[ 3 ].y = 200;
board[ 3 ].w = 200;
board[ 3 ].h = 200;

board[ 4 ].x = 200;
board[ 4 ].y = 200;
board[ 4 ].w = 200;
board[ 4 ].h = 200;

board[ 5 ].x = 400;
board[ 5 ].y = 200;
board[ 5 ].w = 200;
board[ 5 ].h = 200;

board[ 6 ].x = 0;
board[ 6 ].y = 400;
board[ 6 ].w = 200;
board[ 6 ].h = 200;

board[ 7 ].x = 200;
board[ 7 ].y = 400;
board[ 7 ].w = 200;
board[ 7 ].h = 200;

board[ 8 ].x = 400;
board[ 8 ].y = 400;
board[ 8 ].w = 200;
board[ 8 ].h = 200;

class PicX
SDL_Surface* m_pImage; //pointer to the image
SDL_Rect* pSurface[9];

void testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination);
void handle_events();
bool checkWinner();


m_pImage = load_image("x.png");

bool PicX::checkWinner()
if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]))
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;
if( (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

void PicX::handle_events()
//mouse offset
int x = 0, y = 0;

if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
if(event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
//get mouse offsets
x = event.motion.x;
y = event.motion.y;

if( (x > board[0].x) && (x < board[0].x + board[0].w) && (y > board[0].y) && (y < board[0].y + board[0].h) )
pSurface[0] = &board[0];
testImage(board[0].x, board[0].y, screen);

if( (x > board[1].x) && (x < board[1].x + board[1].w) && (y > board[1].y) && (y < board[1].y + board[1].h) )
pSurface[1] = &board[1];
testImage(board[1].x, board[1].y, screen);

if( (x > board[2].x) && (x < board[2].x + board[2].w) && (y > board[2].y) && (y < board[2].y + board[2].h) )
pSurface[2] = &board[2];
testImage(board[2].x, board[2].y, screen);

if( (x > board[3].x) && (x < board[3].x + board[3].w) && (y > board[3].y) && (y < board[3].y + board[3].h) )
pSurface[3] = &board[3];
testImage(board[3].x, board[3].y, screen);

if( (x > board[4].x) && (x < board[4].x + board[4].w) && (y > board[4].y) && (y < board[4].y + board[4].h) )
pSurface[4] = &board[4];
testImage(board[4].x, board[4].y, screen);

if( (x > board[5].x) && (x < board[5].x + board[5].w) && (y > board[5].y) && (y < board[5].y + board[5].h) )
pSurface[5] = &board[5];
testImage(board[5].x, board[5].y, screen);

if( (x > board[6].x) && (x < board[6].x + board[6].w) && (y > board[6].y) && (y < board[6].y + board[6].h) )
pSurface[6] = &board[6];
testImage(board[6].x, board[6].y, screen);

if( (x > board[7].x) && (x < board[7].x + board[7].w) && (y > board[7].y) && (y < board[7].y + board[7].h) )
pSurface[7] = &board[7];
testImage(board[7].x, board[7].y, screen);

if( (x > board[8].x) && (x < board[8].x + board[8].w) && (y > board[8].y) && (y < board[8].y + board[8].h) )
pSurface[8] = &board[8];
testImage(board[8].x, board[8].y, screen);

void PicX::testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination)
//create rect offset
SDL_Rect offset;

offset.x = x;
offset.y = y;

SDL_BlitSurface(m_pImage, NULL, screen, &offset);

class PicO : public PicX
SDL_Surface* m_pImage;
SDL_Rect* pSurface[9];

void testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination);
void handle_events();
bool checkWinner();


m_pImage = load_image("o.png");

void PicO::testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination)
//create rect
SDL_Rect offset;

offset.x = x;
offset.y = y;

SDL_BlitSurface(m_pImage, NULL, destination, &offset);

bool PicO::checkWinner()
if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]))
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;
if( (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

void PicO::handle_events()
//mouse offset
int x = 0, y = 0;

if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
if(event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
//get mouse offsets
x = event.motion.x;
y = event.motion.y;

if( (x > board[0].x) && (x < board[0].x + board[0].w) && (y > board[0].y) && (y < board[0].y + board[0].h) )
pSurface[0] = &board[0];
testImage(board[0].x, board[0].y, screen);

if( (x > board[1].x) && (x < board[1].x + board[1].w) && (y > board[1].y) && (y < board[1].y + board[1].h) )
pSurface[1] = &board[1];
testImage(board[1].x, board[1].y, screen);

if( (x > board[2].x) && (x < board[2].x + board[2].w) && (y > board[2].y) && (y < board[2].y + board[2].h) )
pSurface[2] = &board[2];
testImage(board[2].x, board[2].y, screen);

if( (x > board[3].x) && (x < board[3].x + board[3].w) && (y > board[3].y) && (y < board[3].y + board[3].h) )
pSurface[3] = &board[3];
testImage(board[3].x, board[3].y, screen);

if( (x > board[4].x) && (x < board[4].x + board[4].w) && (y > board[4].y) && (y < board[4].y + board[4].h) )
pSurface[4] = &board[4];
testImage(board[4].x, board[4].y, screen);

if( (x > board[5].x) && (x < board[5].x + board[5].w) && (y > board[5].y) && (y < board[5].y + board[5].h) )
pSurface[5] = &board[5];
testImage(board[5].x, board[5].y, screen);

if( (x > board[6].x) && (x < board[6].x + board[6].w) && (y > board[6].y) && (y < board[6].y + board[6].h) )
pSurface[6] = &board[6];
testImage(board[6].x, board[6].y, screen);

if( (x > board[7].x) && (x < board[7].x + board[7].w) && (y > board[7].y) && (y < board[7].y + board[7].h) )
pSurface[7] = &board[7];
testImage(board[7].x, board[7].y, screen);

if( (x > board[8].x) && (x < board[8].x + board[8].w) && (y > board[8].y) && (y < board[8].y + board[8].h) )
pSurface[8] = &board[8];
testImage(board[8].x, board[8].y, screen);

class GameBoard
PicO boardO;
PicX boardX;
int playerTurn;

void playGame();
void checkWinner();

GameBoard(int turn = 1);

GameBoard::GameBoard(int turn):

void GameBoard::playGame()
if(playerTurn == 1)
playerTurn += 1;

else if(playerTurn == 2)
playerTurn -= 1;

int main(int argc, char* args[])
bool quit = false;

if(init() == false)
return 1;

if(load_files() == false)
return 1;


GameBoard theBoard;

apply_surface(0, 0, background, screen);

//mouse offsets
int x = 0, y = 0;

while(quit == false)
//while there's evetns to handle

if(event.type == SDL_QUIT)
quit = true;


if(SDL_Flip(screen) == -1)
return 1;


return 0;

Looking at your main() it seems to be quitting before the while(quit == false). Since init() is quite simple, check the files you're trying to load on load_files(). - The Guts of Creation
drawing, programming and game design.

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