DX11 IDXGIAdapter.CheckInterfaceSupport bug

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1 comment, last by auto.magician 11 years, 9 months ago

I had a problem with IDXGIAdapter.CheckInterfaceSupport returning that a Radeon Dx11 gpu didn't support the Dx11 interface, but was ok with 10.1. However Dx11 was available through using D3D11CreateDevice, so after a quick work-around, I change my code to support that command.
After I had my code working correctly and reporting as expected I then scouted the internet, only to find references to this issue with Dx10 devices which were back in 2009/2010.

Does anyone know if this bug has supposed to have been fixed just yet?

I would ask over on the MSDN but well.... not meaning to sound rude but it seems a waste of time asking anything there lately.

Many thanks in advance.

I'd double-check that you're getting the results for the correct adapter - e.g. you may have switchable graphics and be pulling the results for the Intel (which would be 10.1).

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.


yes, that was the first thing I thought of, but there's only 1 card though and only 1 adapter returned. There's no internal motherboard gpu or cpu/gpu combination that may create an extra entry for an adapter.

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