Preprocessor on same line as code

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6 comments, last by nobodynews 11 years, 9 months ago
As an exercise I recently challenged myself to try and write a program in only one line of code. I've come pretty far into it, but one thing bugs me, and doesn't really make it a one liner. When I include iostream it has to have a linebreak. Is there anything in the C++ standard that allows you to put preprocessor statements on the same line as regular code?
Forward declare everything you use and put the include at the end?
Include the contents of the header and expand all the macros into one line? (Preprocess to file, ShowIncludes)

Include the contents of the header and expand all the macros into one line?
You mean, create a gigantic one-line file ... several megabytes ... somehow i doubt OP will find it acceptable :/

/me has been hit with a similar problem in the past (macro-based boiler-plate code-gen issues) and i did not find any workarounds, i doubt there is any (besides adding a custom compilation step before preprocessor).
Why not challenge yourself to do something useful?

1) Including several hundred lines of iostream code into your own isn't a 1 line program. If you are going to do that, you might as well just include an entire program and have your 1 line be Go();

2) 'Lines' is a useless metric. C++ is freeform and lines are just whitespace to be stripped out anyways. Cramming 15 statements into one line doesn't make it a 1 line program. It's just a poorly formatted 15 line program.
I'm kind of interested in seeing your one liner.

I agree with Daaark that lines are a useless metric. I suppose a better one is exe file size. There are impressive 3d tech demos out on the internet including music and it all fits within 64KB limit.
edit: damn, ninja post, this is in response to Daaark's post.

Don't know what OP had in mind, but i think you are missing the point.

It is NOT intended to be useful nor well readable etc. It is a challenge, bonus points if the code does something interesting. Check for example this (at the top of Ken Perlin's homepage).
At least for GCC you can include a file on the command line: link.

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