Cone Tracing and Path Tracing - differences.

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71 comments, last by gboxentertainment 11 years, 3 months ago

i'm only voxelizing it once at the highest resolution. Then when it comes to creating the octree - i can use the voxels to subdivide the octree structure - much much faster instead of having to test triangle-box overlap at every level. I am thinking that maybe its better to prevoxelize objects into a file - and then load that file so I won't have to voxelize every time I compile the project.

You can voxelize a object once, and revoxelize it only if it deforms.
You might like to check out this:

Cone-tracing gi based roughly on the Crassin approach, but approximated to run on the PS3.

You might like to check out this:

Cone-tracing gi based roughly on the Crassin approach, but approximated to run on the PS3.

Sounds awesome. I'll check it later, I can't do it now.
If you're going for only diffuse indirect lighting, there is nice and fast method here:

It looks pretty fast and accurate, huh?
I'll be trying to implement it, I have to learn something about spherical harmonics thought.
I found a source code for this technique. I'm posting it here.

First pass:

// Radiance hints generation fragment shader (first bounce: RSM sampling).
// G. Papaioannou (, 2011
// Abreviations:
// CSS: Canonical Screen Space
// WCS: World Coordinate System
// ECS: Eye (camera) Coordinate System
// LCS: Light Clip Space Coordinate System
// The shader is executed for every RH (voxel) of the RH buffer (3D texture), i.e.
// for every fragment of a sweep plane through the volume. For every slice, a
// quad is drawn. The process is repeated for every RSM that contributes to the GI.
// For this reason, the blending equation should be set to ADD and blending coefs to
// GL_ONE (src), GL_ONE (tgt)
// If the blending parameters for color attachment 0 (distance data) can be separately
// set, use MIN as the blending equation.
// Notes:
// This is the 2nd order SH (4 coef) version of the demo/example shader source code.
// higher order SHs are similarly utilized. The shader could also be further optimized
// in order to avoid re-computing certain quantities.

// ---------------- FLAGS ---------------------------------------------------------

// #define DEPTH_OCCL // if defined, depth-based RSM sample occlusion is enabled.

// ---------------- INPUT ---------------------------------------------------------

uniform ivec3 resolution; // The volume resolution
uniform int slice; // The current volume slice
uniform sampler3D Noise; // A pre-computed 3D noise texture (32X32X32). Value range (r,g,b): [0,1]
uniform float R_wcs; // Rmax: maximum sampling distance (in WCS units)
uniform vec3 bbox_min; // Bounding box limits of the radiance hints volume
uniform vec3 bbox_max; //
uniform sampler2D Shadow; // RSM depth
uniform sampler2D ShadowColor; // RSM vpl flux
uniform sampler2D ShadowNormal; // RSM normals
uniform sampler2D Depth; // camera depth buffer
uniform int samples; // Number of RSM samples
uniform mat4 L; // Light transformation matrix ( WCS -> LCS(RSM))
uniform mat4 L_inv; // Inverse light transformation matrix ( LCS(RSM) -> WCS)
uniform mat4 L_ecs; // Light modelview transformation matrix ( WCS -> Light ECS )
uniform mat4 MVP; // Final modelview and projection camera matrix (CSS -> WCS)
uniform int num_lights; // Number of GI lights
uniform float spread; // RSM parametric sampling radius
uniform vec3 light_pos; // Current light position in WCS coords
uniform vec3 light_dir; // Current light direction in WCS coords

// ---------------- SH functions -------------------------------------------------

vec4 SHBasis (const in vec3 dir)
float L00 = 0.282095;
float L1_1 = 0.488603 * dir.y;
float L10 = 0.488603 * dir.z;
float L11 = 0.488603 * dir.x;
return vec4 (L11, L1_1, L10, L00);

void RGB2SH (in vec3 dir, in vec3 L, out vec4 sh_r, out vec4 sh_g, out vec4 sh_b)
vec4 sh = SHBasis (dir);
sh_r = L.r * sh;
sh_g = L.g * sh;
sh_b = L.b * sh;

// ---------------- Coordinate transformations -----------------------------------

vec3 PointWCS2CSS(in vec3 sample)
vec4 p_css = MVP*vec4(sample,1);

vec3 VectorLECS2WCS(in vec3 sample)
// For vectors, the transposed inverse matrix from Light ECS to WCS is used
// (i.e. the transposed L_ecs). You could also pass the matrix transposed
// outside the shader.
return (transpose(L_ecs)*vec4(sample,0)).xyz;

vec2 ShadowProjection( in vec3 point_WCS )
// note: projected points on the RSM are clamped to the map extents,
// not rejected
vec4 pos_LCS = L*vec4(point_WCS+vec3(0.01,0.01,0.01),1.0);
float reverse = sign(dot(light_dir,point_WCS-light_pos));
vec2 uv = vec2( reverse*0.5*pos_LCS.x + 0.5, reverse*0.5*pos_LCS.y + 0.5);
return clamp(uv,vec2(0.0,0.0),vec2(1.0,1.0));

// ---------------- Main shader function -----------------------------------------

void main(void)
// Determine the RH position (WCS)
int gy = gl_FragCoord.y;
int gx = gl_FragCoord.x;
int gz = slice;
vec3 extents = bbox_max-bbox_min;
vec3 stratum;
stratum.x = extents.x/(resolution.x-1);
stratum.y = extents.y/(resolution.y-1);
stratum.z = extents.z/(resolution.z-1);
vec3 pos = bbox_min + vec3(gx, gy, gz) * stratum;

// Project the RH location on the RSM and determine the
// center of the sampling disk
vec2 l_uv = ShadowProjection(pos);

// initialize measured distances from RH location to the RSM samples
vec4 SH_dist_ave = vec4(0,0,0,0);
float dist, dist_min=R_wcs, dist_max=0.0, dist_ave=0.0;

// Declare and initialize various parameters
vec4 smc, smp, smn;
vec4 SHr=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); // accumulated SH coefs for the incident radiance from
vec4 SHg=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); // all RSM samples
vec4 SHb=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
vec3 normal;
vec4 color;

for (int i=0;i<samples;i++)
// produce a new sample location on the RSM texture
vec3 rnd = 2.0*texture3D(Noise, 14*pos/extents+vec3(i,0,0)/samples).xyz-vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
vec2 uv = l_uv+vec2(rnd.x*spread*cos(6.283*rnd.y),rnd.x*spread*sin(6.283*rnd.y));

// produce a new sampling location in the RH stratum
vec3 p = pos+(0.5*rnd)*stratum;

// determine the the WCS coordinates of the RSM sample position (smp) and normal (smn)
// and read the corresponding lighting (smc)
float depth = (texture2D(Shadow,uv)).z;
vec4 pos_LCS = vec4 (uv.x*2.0-1, uv.y*2.0-1.0, depth*2.0-1.0,1.0);
vec4 isect4 = L_inv*pos_LCS;
smp =;
vec4 ntex = texture2D(ShadowNormal,uv);
smn = vec3(ntex.x*2.0-1.0,ntex.y*2.0-1.0,ntex.z);
smn = normalize(VectorLECS2WCS(normalize(smn)));

// Normalize distance to RSM sample
dist = distance(p,smp)/R_wcs;
// Determine the incident direction.
// Avoid very close samples (and numerical instability problems)
vec3 dir = dist<=0.007?vec3(0,0,0):normalize(p-smp);
float dotprod = max(dot(dir,smn),0.0);
FF = dotprod/(0.1+dist*dist);

// ---- Depth-buffer-based RSM sample occlusion

// Initialize visibility to 1
float depth_visibility = 1.0;

// set number of visibility samples along the line of sight. Can be set with #define
float vis_samples = 4.0; // 3 to 8
vec3 Qj;
vec3 Qcss;

// Check if the current RH point is hidden from view. If it is, then "visible" line-of-sight
// samples should also be hidden from view. If the RH point is visible to the camera, the
// same should hold for the visibility samples in order not to attenuate the light.
Qcss = PointWCS2CSS(p);
float rh_visibility = Qcss.z<(2.0*texture2D(Depth,0.5*Qcss.xy+vec2(0.5,0.5)).r-1.0)*1.1?1.0:-1.0;

// Estimate attenuation along line of sight
for (int j=1; j<vis_samples; j++)
// determine next point along the line of sight
Qj = smp+(j/vis_samples)*(pos-smp);
Qcss = PointWCS2CSS(Qj);
// modulate the visibility according to the number of hidden LoS samples
depth_visibility -= rh_visibility*Qcss.z<rh_visibility*(2.0*texture2D(Depth,0.5*Qcss.xy+vec2(0.5,0.5)).r-1.0)?0.0:1.0/vis_samples;
depth_visibility = clamp(depth_visibility,0,1);
FF *= depth_visibility;


color = smc*FF;
vec4 shr, shg, shb;
// encode radiance into SH coefs and accumulate to RH
RGB2SH (dir, color.rgb, shr, shg, shb);
// update distance measurements
dist_max=(dist>dist_max )?dist:dist_max;
dist_min=(dist<dist_min )?dist:dist_min;

// cast samples to float to resolve some weird compiler issue.
// For some reason, both floatXint and intXfloat are auto-boxed to int!

gl_FragData[0] = vec4 (dist_min,dist_max,dist_ave,1.0)/num_lights;
// distances must be divided by the number of lights this shader is run for, because
// because they should not be accumulated. Ideally, the MIN/MAX frame buffer operator should
// be used instead of the ADD operator for this data channel. In this case (e.g. MIN),
// frag data[0] should contain: dist_min, r_max-dist_max, dist_ave (not used actually), 1.0 )

gl_FragData[1] = SHr;
gl_FragData[2] = SHg;
gl_FragData[3] = SHb;


Second pass:

// Radiance hints GI reconstruction fragment shader.
// G. Papaioannou (, 2011
// Abreviations:
// CSS: Canonical Screen Space
// WCS: World Coordinate System
// ECS: Eye (camera) Coordinate System
// This shader assumes that a GI buffer-covering quad is being drawn. The vertex shader
// only passes the tex. coords through to the fragment shader. Tex coord set 0 is used
// for recovering the CSS coordinates of the current fragment. Bottom left: (0,0), top
// right: (1,1).
// Notes:
// This is the 2nd order SH (4 coef) version of the demo/example shader source code.
// higher order SHs are similarly utilized. The shader could also be further optimized
// in order to avoid re-computing certain quantities.

// ---------------- INPUT ---------------------------------------------------------

uniform sampler2D RT_normals; // Deferred renderer normal and depth buffers:
uniform sampler2D RT_depth; //

uniform sampler3D Noise; // A pre-computed 3D noise texture (32X32X32). Value range (r,g,b): [0,1]
uniform mat4 MVP; // Final modelview and projection camera matrix: CSS -> WCS
uniform mat4 MVP_inv; // Final inverse modelview and projection camera matrix: CSS -> WCS
uniform mat4 P_inv; // Final inverse camera projection matrix: ECS -> CSS
uniform float R_wcs; // Rmax: maximum sampling distance (in WCS units)
uniform float factor; // GI contribution multiplier
uniform vec3 bbox_min; // Bounding box limits of the radiance hints volume
uniform vec3 bbox_max; //
uniform sampler3D points[4]; // Radiance Hint buffers:
// points[0]: dist_min, dist_max, dist_ave, 1.0
// points[1]: Lr(1,1) Lr(1,-1) Lr(1,0) Lr(0,0)
// points[2]: Lg(1,1) Lg(1,-1) Lg(1,0) Lg(0,0)
// points[3]: Lb(1,1) Lb(1,-1) Lb(1,0) Lb(0,0)

// ---------------- SH functions -------------------------------------------------

vec4 SHBasis (const in vec3 dir)
float L00 = 0.282095;
float L1_1 = 0.488603 * dir.y;
float L10 = 0.488603 * dir.z;
float L11 = 0.488603 * dir.x;
return vec4 (L11, L1_1, L10, L00);

vec3 SH2RGB (in vec4 sh_r, in vec4 sh_g, in vec4 sh_b, in vec3 dir)
vec4 Y = vec4(1.023326*dir.x, 1.023326*dir.y, 1.023326*dir.z, 0.886226);
return vec3 (dot(Y,sh_r), dot(Y,sh_g), dot(Y,sh_b));

// ---------------- Coordinate transformations -----------------------------------

vec3 VectorECS2WCS(in vec3 sample)
vec4 vector_WCS = transpose(P_inv*MVP)*vec4(sample,0);

vec3 PointCSS2WCS(in vec3 sample)
vec4 p_wcs = MVP_inv*vec4(sample,1.0);

// ---------------- Main shader function -----------------------------------------

void main(void)
// Accumulated global illumination, initialized at (0,0,0)
vec3 GI = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);

// Blending factor for current GI estimation frame
// If blending < 1, current result is blended with previous GI values (temporal smoothing)
float blending = 0.8;

// Discard background fragments
float depth = texture2D(RT_depth,gl_TexCoord[0].st).r;
if (depth==1.0)

vec3 extents = bbox_max-bbox_min;
ivec3 sz = textureSize(points[0],0);

// convert fragment position and normal to WCS
vec3 pos_css = vec3(2.0*gl_TexCoord[0].x-1.0, 2.0*gl_TexCoord[0].y-1.0, 2*depth-1.0);
vec3 pos_wcs = PointCSS2WCS(pos_css);
vec4 ntex = texture2D(RT_normals,gl_TexCoord[0].st);
vec3 normal_ecs =;
normal_ecs.x = normal_ecs.x*2.0-1.0;
normal_ecs.y = normal_ecs.y*2.0-1.0;
normal_ecs = normalize(normal_ecs);
vec3 normal_wcs = normalize(VectorECS2WCS(normal_ecs));

// determine volume texture coordinate of current fragment location
vec3 uvw = (pos_wcs-bbox_min)/extents;

float denom = 0.05;

// Sample the RH volume at 4 locations, one directly above the shaded point,
// three on a ring 80degs away from the normal direction. All samples are
// moved away from the shaded point to avoid sampling RHs behind the surface.
// You can introduce a random rotation of the samples around the normal:
vec3 rnd = vec3(0,0,0); //texture3D(Noise,25*uvw).xyz - vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5);

// Generate the sample locations;
vec3 v_rand = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
vec3 v_1 = normalize(cross(normal_wcs,v_rand));
vec3 v_2 = cross(normal_wcs,v_1);
vec3 D[4];
D[0] = vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0);
int i;
for (i=1; i<4; i++)
D = vec3(0.1, 0.8*cos((rnd.x*1.5+i)*6.2832/3.0), 0.8*sin((rnd.x*1.5+i)*6.2832/3.0));
D = normalize(D);

for (i=0; i<4; i++)
vec3 sdir = normal_wcs*D.x + v_1*D.y + v_2*D.z;
vec3 uvw_new = 0.5*normal_wcs/sz+ sdir/sz + uvw;

vec4 rh_shr = texture3D(points[1],uvw_new);
vec4 rh_shg = texture3D(points[2],uvw_new);
vec4 rh_shb = texture3D(points[3],uvw_new);

vec3 rh_pos = bbox_min+extents*uvw_new;
vec3 path = rh_pos - pos_wcs;
float dist = length(path);
float rel_dist = dist/R_wcs;
path = normalize(path);
float contrib = dist>0.005?1.0:0.0;
GI+= contrib*SH2RGB (rh_shr, rh_shg, rh_shb, -normal_wcs);

// Note: tone mapping is normally required on the final GI buffer
gl_FragColor = vec4(GI,blending);

i'm only voxelizing it once at the highest resolution. Then when it comes to creating the octree - i can use the voxels to subdivide the octree structure - much much faster instead of having to test triangle-box overlap at every level. I am thinking that maybe its better to prevoxelize objects into a file - and then load that file so I won't have to voxelize every time I compile the project.

Do we need an actual octree for this technique?
Can't we just use mipmapped 3d texture?
Saw that Radiance Hints paper a while ago, and since I've yet to see it used I'm assuming there's something wrong with it in practice. Specifically I'd worry about secondary occlusion, bounce lighting is a lot higher frequency than is usually given credit; and besides, realtime reflections is just fantastic to have (even if it is going to look odd on truly reflective surfaces).

That being said, I'd love to hear I'm wrong. If anyone has experience actually implementing radiance hints and the results it gives I'd love to know your opinion.

If you're going for only diffuse indirect lighting, there is nice and fast method here:

If you want a fast and proven technique for real-time diffuse indirect lighting you should look into light propagation volumes as proposed by Kaplanyan and Dachsbacher

I wouldn't call it easy to implement, but it's still a lot easier than the cone tracing technique

I gets all your texture budgets!

Saw that Radiance Hints paper a while ago, and since I've yet to see it used I'm assuming there's something wrong with it in practice. Specifically I'd worry about secondary occlusion, bounce lighting is a lot higher frequency than is usually given credit; and besides, realtime reflections is just fantastic to have (even if it is going to look odd on truly reflective surfaces).

That being said, I'd love to hear I'm wrong. If anyone has experience actually implementing radiance hints and the results it gives I'd love to know your opinion.

Sadly, Radiance Hints is rarely known technique. I found only one video of its implementation.

What do you mean by "bounce lighting is a lot higher frequency than is usually given credit" ?
It's low frequency.

[quote name='MrOMGWTF' timestamp='1347289006' post='4978594']
If you're going for only diffuse indirect lighting, there is nice and fast method here:

If you want a fast and proven technique for real-time diffuse indirect lighting you should look into light propagation volumes as proposed by Kaplanyan and Dachsbacher

I wouldn't call it easy to implement, but it's still a lot easier than the cone tracing technique

LPV doesn't support occlusion, that's its con.
At least it's pretty fast method to approximate GI.
The funniest actually thing, is this:
1. I was playing around with cryengine 3.
2. I've loaded the forest map.
3. I was switching the GI check box, and there was NO difference in image realism.

GI isn't as this important in games? Well, maybe because it was a forest. A scene in a building would need GI to be realistic, I think?

If you want a fast and proven technique for real-time diffuse indirect lighting you should look into light propagation volumes as proposed by Kaplanyan and Dachsbacher

I wouldn't call it easy to implement, but it's still a lot easier than the cone tracing technique
I'd recommend a more up to date iteration of LPV, which includes corrections and annotations for the original paper, plus a DX10.1 demo with source :)

[quote name='Radikalizm' timestamp='1348365078' post='4982784']
If you want a fast and proven technique for real-time diffuse indirect lighting you should look into light propagation volumes as proposed by Kaplanyan and Dachsbacher

I wouldn't call it easy to implement, but it's still a lot easier than the cone tracing technique
I'd recommend a more up to date iteration of LPV, which includes corrections and annotations for the original paper, plus a DX10.1 demo with source smile.png

Thanks for the link, wasn't too sure of the latest paper on the subject as I get my information about the technique from GPU Pro 2 smile.png

GI isn't as this important in games? Well, maybe because it was a forest. A scene in a building would need GI to be realistic, I think?

Even if you don't directly see any drastic changes to the scene, GI will still be a very important factor when it comes to realistic lighting in pretty much every setting.


[quote name='MrOMGWTF']
LPV doesn't support occlusion, that's its con.

I think you're confusing the LPV technique with VPLs. Indirect occlusion can be perfectly incorporated in the LPV technique by using a geometry volume.

I gets all your texture budgets!

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