Assimp and Direct3D 9

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5 comments, last by VitaliBR 11 years, 8 months ago
Hi guys!

I'm trying to render a model obj uploaded by assimp.
I doing as follows:

UINT numVertices;
UINT numFaces;
UINT inx_vertex;
UINT inx_faces;
UINT startIndex;
VERTEX *vertices;
USHORT *indices;

load the model


// Create an instance of the Importer class
Assimp::Importer importer;
// And have it read the given file with some example postprocessing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// propably to request more postprocessing than we do in this example.
const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(pFile,
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_Triangulate |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_SortByPType |
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals |
aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights |
aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials |

// If the import failed, report it
if( !scene)
std::string s = "Error in load the " + pFile;
MessageBoxA (NULL, s.c_str(), "ERROR", MB_OK);
return false;
aiMesh** meshes = scene->mMeshes;
numVertices = 0;
numFaces = 0;
inx_vertex = 0;
inx_faces = 0;
startIndex = 0;

for(int nMeshes = 0; nMeshes < scene->mNumMeshes; nMeshes++)
numVertices += meshes[nMeshes]->mNumVertices;
numFaces += meshes[nMeshes]->mNumFaces;
vertices = new VERTEX[numVertices];
indices = new USHORT[numFaces*3];
for(int nMeshes = 0; nMeshes < scene->mNumMeshes; nMeshes++)
startIndex = inx_vertex;
for(int nVertex = 0; nVertex < meshes[nMeshes]->mNumVertices; nVertex++)
vertices[inx_vertex].X = meshes[nMeshes]->mVertices[nVertex].x;
vertices[inx_vertex].Y = meshes[nMeshes]->mVertices[nVertex].y;
vertices[inx_vertex].Z = meshes[nMeshes]->mVertices[nVertex].z;
vertices[inx_vertex].Nx = meshes[nMeshes]->mNormals[nVertex].x;
vertices[inx_vertex].Ny = meshes[nMeshes]->mNormals[nVertex].y;
vertices[inx_vertex].Nz = meshes[nMeshes]->mNormals[nVertex].z;
vertices[inx_vertex].Color = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255);
for(int nFaces = 0; nFaces < meshes[nMeshes]->mNumFaces; nFaces++)
indices[inx_faces++] = meshes[nMeshes]->mFaces[nFaces].mIndices[0] + startIndex;
indices[inx_faces++] = meshes[nMeshes]->mFaces[nFaces].mIndices[1] + startIndex;
indices[inx_faces++] = meshes[nMeshes]->mFaces[nFaces].mIndices[2] + startIndex;

// create a vertex buffer interface called v_buffer
VOID* pVoid; // a void pointer
// lock v_buffer and load the vertices into it
m_pVB->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&pVoid, 0);
memcpy(pVoid, vertices, 8*sizeof(SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX));
// create an index buffer interface called i_buffer
// lock i_buffer and load the indices into it
m_pIB->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&pVoid, 0);
memcpy(pVoid, indices, sizeof(indices));

render the model
devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE);
devices.d3ddev->SetStreamSource(0, m_pVB, 0, sizeof(VERTEX));
devices.d3ddev->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, numVertices, 0, numFaces);
devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);

But the model is rendered completely wrong, is formless, very bizarre.
Where am I wrong? makes three days I have been analyzing and trying to find the error. :(
About that memcpy call for the indices, it looks like you are passing the size of the pointer (which will be 4 or 8) rather than the size of the array.

New C/C++ Build Tool 'Stir' (doesn't just generate Makefiles, it does the build):

About that memcpy call for the indices, it looks like you are passing the size of the pointer (which will be 4 or 8) rather than the size of the array.

I changed the memcpy (I think)

But now it shows nothing on the screen. :(

// Create an instance of the Importer class
Assimp::Importer importer;
// And have it read the given file with some example postprocessing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// propably to request more postprocessing than we do in this example.
const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(pFile,
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_Triangulate |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_SortByPType |
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals |
aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights |
aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials |

// If the import failed, report it
if( !scene)
std::string s = "Error in load the " + pFile;
MessageBoxA (NULL, s.c_str(), "Error mesh", MB_OK);
return false;
aiMesh** meshes = scene->mMeshes;
numVertices = 0;
numFaces = 0;
inx_vertex = 0;
inx_faces = 0;
startIndex = 0;

for(int nMeshes = 0; nMeshes < scene->mNumMeshes; nMeshes++)
numVertices += meshes[nMeshes]->mNumVertices;
numFaces += meshes[nMeshes]->mNumFaces;
vertices = new VERTEX[numVertices];
indices = new USHORT[numFaces*3];
for(int nMeshes = 0; nMeshes < scene->mNumMeshes; nMeshes++)
startIndex = inx_vertex;
for(int nVertex = 0; nVertex < meshes[nMeshes]->mNumVertices; nVertex++)
vertices[inx_vertex].X = meshes[nMeshes]->mVertices[nVertex].x;
vertices[inx_vertex].Y = meshes[nMeshes]->mVertices[nVertex].y;
vertices[inx_vertex].Z = meshes[nMeshes]->mVertices[nVertex].z;
vertices[inx_vertex].Nx = meshes[nMeshes]->mNormals[nVertex].x;
vertices[inx_vertex].Ny = meshes[nMeshes]->mNormals[nVertex].y;
vertices[inx_vertex].Nz = meshes[nMeshes]->mNormals[nVertex].z;
vertices[inx_vertex].Color = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255);
for(int nFaces = 0; nFaces < meshes[nMeshes]->mNumFaces; nFaces++)
indices[inx_faces++] = meshes[nMeshes]->mFaces[nFaces].mIndices[0] + startIndex;
indices[inx_faces++] = meshes[nMeshes]->mFaces[nFaces].mIndices[1] + startIndex;
indices[inx_faces++] = meshes[nMeshes]->mFaces[nFaces].mIndices[2] + startIndex;

// create a vertex buffer interface called v_buffer
if(FAILED(devices.d3ddev->CreateVertexBuffer(numVertices * sizeof(SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX),
MessageBoxA(NULL, "Error in CreateVertexBuffer", "Error mesh", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
return false;
VOID* pVoid; // a void pointer
// lock v_buffer and load the vertices into it
m_pVB->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&pVoid, 0);
memcpy(pVoid, vertices, sizeof(SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX));
// create an index buffer interface called i_buffer
if(FAILED(devices.d3ddev->CreateIndexBuffer(numFaces * 3 * sizeof(unsigned int),
MessageBoxA(NULL, "Error in CreateIndexBuffer", "Error mesh", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
return false;
// lock i_buffer and load the indices into it
m_pIB->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&pVoid, 0);
memcpy(pVoid, indices, sizeof(unsigned int));
return true;

devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE);
devices.d3ddev->SetStreamSource(0, m_pVB, 0, sizeof(VERTEX));
if(FAILED(devices.d3ddev->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, numVertices, 0, numFaces)))
MessageBoxA(NULL, "Error in render model", "Error mesh", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
devices.d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
The final argument to memcpy should be the same as the length passed to create the buffer (as it's the total bytes to copy), and the sizeof in the index buffer one should be short, not int. ("numFaces * 3 * sizeof(short)" "numVertices * sizeof(SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX)"). Is type VERTEX (the type of array 'vertices') the same thing as SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX?

I think there's also a problem with the counters in the code that gets the data from Assimp. The index counter is based on the number of vertices which will almost never match the number of vertices. It would be better to use completely separate counters for vertex and index data and just add the mesh's mNumVertices and mNumFaces*3 to the respective counters at the end of the outer loop.

New C/C++ Build Tool 'Stir' (doesn't just generate Makefiles, it does the build):

The final argument to memcpy should be the same as the length passed to create the buffer (as it's the total bytes to copy), and the sizeof in the index buffer one should be short, not int. ("numFaces * 3 * sizeof(short)" "numVertices * sizeof(SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX)"). Is type VERTEX (the type of array 'vertices') the same thing as SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX?

I think there's also a problem with the counters in the code that gets the data from Assimp. The index counter is based on the number of vertices which will almost never match the number of vertices. It would be better to use completely separate counters for vertex and index data and just add the mesh's mNumVertices and mNumFaces*3 to the respective counters at the end of the outer loop.

yes, the SDX_CUSTOMVERTEX and VERTEX is the same, VERTEX is my old structure.

I tried to redo the structure was as follows:
// Create an instance of the Importer class
Assimp::Importer importer;
// And have it read the given file with some example postprocessing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// propably to request more postprocessing than we do in this example.
const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(pFile,
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_Triangulate |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_Triangulate |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_SortByPType |
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals |
aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights |
aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials |

// If the import failed, report it
if( !scene)
std::string s = "Error in load the " + pFile;
MessageBoxA(NULL, s.c_str(), "Error mesh", MB_OK);
return false;
//retrieves the meshes from the main scene;
aiMesh** meshes = scene->mMeshes;
aiMaterial** materials = scene->mMaterials;
aiNode* sceneRoot = scene->mRootNode;
aiNode** children = sceneRoot->mChildren;
aiNode* child;
UINT* meshID;
UINT materialID;
UINT numVertices = 0;
UINT numTriangles = 0;
Vertex* vertices;
DWORD* indices;
UINT* attributeBuffer;
UINT i = 0;
bool rootNode = true;
while(i < sceneRoot->mNumChildren)
child = sceneRoot;
rootNode = false;
} else
child = children;
if(!(child->mNumMeshes > 0))
meshID = child->mMeshes;
for(UINT x = 0; x < child->mNumMeshes; x++)
numVertices += meshes[meshID[x]]->mNumVertices;
numTriangles += meshes[meshID[x]]->mNumFaces;
vertices = new Vertex[numVertices];
indices = new DWORD[numTriangles*3];
attributeBuffer = new UINT[numTriangles];
UINT nextVertex = 0;
UINT nextIndex = 0;
for(UINT x = 0; x < child->mNumMeshes; x++)
UINT meshStartIndex = nextVertex;
for(UINT j = 0; j < meshes[meshID[x]]->mNumVertices; j++)
vertices[nextVertex].pos = aiVec3ToSDXVector3(meshes[meshID[x]]->mVertices[j]);
vertices[nextVertex].tangent = aiVec3ToSDXVector3(meshes[meshID[x]]->mTangents[j]);
vertices[nextVertex].normal = aiVec3ToSDXVector3(meshes[meshID[x]]->mNormals[j]);
vertices[nextVertex].texC = aiVec3ToSDXVector2(meshes[meshID[x]]->mTextureCoords[0][j]);
for(UINT j = 0; j < meshes[meshID[x]]->mNumFaces; j++)
UINT n = 0;
if(x != 0)
n = j + meshes[meshID[x-1]]->mNumFaces;
} else
n = j;
indices[nextIndex++] = meshes[meshID[x]]->mFaces[j].mIndices[0] + meshStartIndex;
indices[nextIndex++] = meshes[meshID[x]]->mFaces[j].mIndices[1] + meshStartIndex;
indices[nextIndex++] = meshes[meshID[x]]->mFaces[j].mIndices[2] + meshStartIndex;
attributeBuffer[n] = meshes[meshID[x]]->mMaterialIndex;
return true;

but I'm still trying to find a way to create the mesh, I could use the D3DXCreateMesh?
I tried this (with the help of the assimp view source):


and render model:

but does not render anything on the screen :(

But the strange thing is that my

// get the number of vertices/faces in the model
unsigned int iNumVert = 0;
unsigned int iNumFaces = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes;++i)
iNumVert += scene->mMeshes->mNumVertices;
iNumFaces += scene->mMeshes->mNumFaces;



iNumVert = 1217

iNumFaces = 1368

and the same model in assimp view is

iNumVert = 1284
iNumFaces = 1340


I'm using the model Assimp/test/models/OBJ/spider.obj
I did it! Missing only the textures smile.png

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