Passing vector by reference

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10 comments, last by rip-off 11 years, 8 months ago

I've got a brief grip on this one and I've solved it half-way.

I want to pass a vector to a function by reference so that i don't need to update the vector the function has stored to know all the latest changes in the vector.

This function should do just fine:

void setVector(vector<Classname*> &vectorTemp);

the function from the class where i get the vector looks like this:

vector<Classname>* getVector()
return vector;

however i am not able to send that vector directly to the function for some reason, this code is invalid:


Al-thought if i do this before i send it, everything works:

vector<Classname*> vectorToSend = pointerToClass->getVector();

but that results in that i have to constantly update the "vectorToSend" with any new information from the "main" vector and then resend it to the class. How do it work around this? Can't i just send it directly without that middle-step?

How this made any sense, i'm super tired!
Neither of the two versions should be compiling. getVector() returns a pointer to the vector (so you would need return &vector; in the first place unless your vector was a pointer - which it should not have to be and in general would indicate a design problem).
setVector() instead expects a reference but the assignment "vector<Classname*> vectorToSend = pointerToClass->getVector();" should not compile.
should compile fine if getVector() returned a reference or setVector accepted a pointer. Of course
would work without further change but I'm not a fan of using pointers and references interchangeably unless there is a good semantic reason for it (which I cannot see here).

On a sidenote, saying "for some reason, this code is invalid" is not helpful. The compiler (or linker) produces an error message which should have been posted.

Neither of the two versions should be compiling. getVector() returns a pointer to the vector (so you would need return &vector; in the first place unless your vector was a pointer - which it should not have to be and in general would indicate a design problem).
setVector() instead expects a reference but the assignment "vector<Classname*> vectorToSend = pointerToClass->getVector();" should not compile.
should compile fine if getVector() returned a reference or setVector accepted a pointer. Of course
would work without further change but I'm not a fan of using pointers and references interchangeably unless there is a good semantic reason for it (which I cannot see here).

On a sidenote, saying "for some reason, this code is invalid" is not helpful. The compiler (or linker) produces an error message which should have been posted.

Must have written something wrong then. Because I've got a somewhat working code now that i compiling but not entirely doing what i want. And the reason i didn't post the error is because i am not currently coding. But the error basically states that what i try to compare isn't in the same form, one is reference and one is pointer or vice verse.

Thanks for your code, will test it later! What would you use here then? if not pointers

void setVector(vector<Classname*> &vectorTemp);

You probably want: (notice the const)

void setVector(const vector<Classname*> &vectorTemp);

the function from the class where i get the vector looks like this:

vector<Classname>* getVector()
return vector;

And here, you probably want

vector<Classname*> &getVector()
return vector;


const vector<Classname*> &getVector() const
return vector;

or preferably both.

Al-thought if i do this before i send it, everything works:

vector<Classname*> vectorToSend = pointerToClass->getVector();

You have to do it this way because you can't take a non-const reference to a temporary. Your getVector returns a temporary copy of your vectory (assuming the place where you put the * was a typo), and to be able to send it directly to a function through a reference requires the reference to be const.

helpful text!

Thank you guys so much!

But patrr may you continue to explain why it has to be const? And what does const really do, i mean what is it really other that making something constant? What does it allow me to do?
And what does const really do, i mean what is it really other that making something constant? What does it allow me to do?
The const qualifier does mainly two things:
1. It is a promise (not more than that) to the compiler that you will not modify the value. You can still cast the const away and modify the value anyway, but the compiler will assume that you keep your promise and might make optimizations based this, so cheating is unwise.
2. It allows you to bind a reference to a temporary, and extends the lifetime of that temporary to the lifetime of the const reference. Otherwise, if you were allowed to bind to a temporary (say, returning a local variable by reference) then whatever you alias does not exist any more by the time you use it, which is bad mojo. You would be reading and possibly modifying some more or less arbitrary data on the stack which might be overwritten by or overwrite other structures without your knowledge. Bad situation.

The newer C++11 rvalue references do a somewhat similar thing as in (2.), they allow you to "scavenge" a temporary by reference, omitting a copy. This works due to the fact that the temporary would die immediately after the return statement anyway. Thus, since it's already certain that the temporary is gone, nobody will notice that it's "missing", so another object can "steal" it with not side effects.
Const is about restricting what you can do. The idea is that if a given section of code should not modify a variable, by passing it as const you will not accidentally do so.

Const is hard, because it cascades from the point of declaration to any other points of use. However, this makes such changes more obvious. If you want to change some code from modifying a value to not modifying it, the compiler will help you track down any corner cases you forgot.
Thank you!

Should i use this as much as possible? From basically every get function and everywhere where i wont modify the value it receives?

Would this solve the warning "Warning: taking value of temporary". I've got that one in some places

Should i use this as much as possible?
I think doing so is a good idea. However, trying to migrate an established code base is a non-trivial task, it might be better in such cases to leave well enough alone and apply the rule at the start of your next project.

Would this solve the warning "Warning: taking value of temporary". I've got that one in some places
Does the warning actually say "Warning: taking address of a temporary"? No, this won't solve that, you need to change the code to not produce this warning. This is a serious warning - it indicates actual bugs in your code.

Ideally, your code would compile cleanly without warnings. Again, retroactively cleaning up an established code base would take time. However, warnings almost always indicate valid problems, so I would advise you to try to do this if possible. It would be higher priority than trying to enforce "const correctness" in your code.

Try to configure your toolchain to have the highest warning level possible, and set it so that warnings are treated as errors. Sometimes having the warning level at the very top can produce some false positives that might be better suppressed (e.g. forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)), but given that you are posting in For Beginners I would encourage you to not suppress any warnings. Also, don't use unsafe casts to fix warnings.

The only real fix for warnings is to understand what they mean and really fix the code. Suppressing the warning, or adding in some voodoo code that makes the warning go away is probably more dangerous than leaving the code as is, where at least you're aware there are potential bugs when you compile it.

Should i use this as much as possible?

I think doing so is a good idea. However, trying to migrate an established code base is a non-trivial task, it might be better in such cases to leave well enough alone and apply the rule at the start of your next project.

Would this solve the warning "Warning: taking value of temporary". I've got that one in some places
Does the warning actually say "Warning: taking address of a temporary"? No, this won't solve that, you need to change the code to not produce this warning. This is a serious warning - it indicates actual bugs in your code.

Ideally, your code would compile cleanly without warnings. Again, retroactively cleaning up an established code base would take time. However, warnings almost always indicate valid problems, so I would advise you to try to do this if possible. It would be higher priority than trying to enforce "const correctness" in your code.

Try to configure your toolchain to have the highest warning level possible, and set it so that warnings are treated as errors. Sometimes having the warning level at the very top can produce some false positives that might be better suppressed (e.g. forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)), but given that you are posting in For Beginners I would encourage you to not suppress any warnings. Also, don't use unsafe casts to fix warnings.

The only real fix for warnings is to understand what they mean and really fix the code. Suppressing the warning, or adding in some voodoo code that makes the warning go away is probably more dangerous than leaving the code as is, where at least you're aware there are potential bugs when you compile it.

Ok, thank you. I'll look into that.

This code
iMngr->collision(&camera, myCursor, &getTileCollision(x, y), player, map->getMap(), enemyVector, currentInterface, 0);
gets the warning. I am guessing that the value that is returned by getTileCollision is temporary. Only places with a call to a function gets this warning.

I've also got this warning at one place
warning: extended initializer lists only available with -std=c++0x or -std=gnu++0x

This is the code:

textColor = {0, 0, 0};

I tried to solve that before but it created more problems that it solved. But again i'll look into these warning and fix them.

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