Draw objects in real time

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1 comment, last by vir2007 11 years, 8 months ago
Hi all,

I have glutDisplayFunc() to draw the environement

And I receive data from network that contain position of objects, I have a thread that treats that kind of data

So here my problem

I tried to store data into vector<data> to be drawn in glutDisplayFunc each time, this way slow down my computer and moving objects is not smoothly

Then I tried to not use vector<data> and want to draw objects direclty from "thread" that receive data, and nothing happened

so is there way to make moving objects in real time, and if possible draw them from that thread instead of glutDisplayFunc

plz i need an answer asap

You have to re-draw the entire scene each frame. Make sure you set up the glut timer/redraw system to issue re-draws as quickly as possible.

If you're saying that networking or using std::vector<> "slows down" your game, that makes little sense; you'd have to use a profiler to figure out where the time is going. It's probably not going where you think it is.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
ok :)
thnx for help

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