C++ Directx Ambient Light issue.

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5 comments, last by Tordin 11 years, 8 months ago
I'm currently having a problem with lighting in Directx 11, actually its ambient lighting. Here is the code:

cbuffer ConstantBuffer
float4x4 final;
float4x4 rotation; // the rotation matrix
float4 lightvec; // the light's vector
float4 lightcol; // the light's color
float4 ambientcol; // the ambient light's color
struct VOut
float4 color : COLOR;
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
VOut VShader(float4 position : POSITION, float4 normal : NORMAL)
VOut output;
output.position = mul(final, position);
// set the ambient light
output.color = ambientcol;
// calculate the diffuse light and add it to the ambient light
float4 norm = normalize(mul(rotation, normal));
float diffusebrightness = saturate(dot(norm, lightvec));
output.color += lightcol * diffusebrightness;
return output;
float4 PShader(float4 color : COLOR) : SV_TARGET
return color;

Then i send the values to the shader:

ambLight.LightVector = D3DXVECTOR4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
ambLight.LightColor = D3DXCOLOR(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
ambLight.AmbientColor = D3DXCOLOR(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f);


And then i get the following:

Attached image


FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress): www.gamedev.net/blog/1882-the-cuboid-zone/, cuboidzone.wordpress.com/

Bump, no one knows?

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress): www.gamedev.net/blog/1882-the-cuboid-zone/, cuboidzone.wordpress.com/

You didn't say what's the problem.

Your ambient light is D3DXCOLOR(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); and box is almost black, seems right to me.
are you sure you are not reffering to that your directional light dosent work?
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"

are you sure you are not reffering to that your directional light dosent work?

I'm following a tutorial from DIrectxtutorial.com you cant see it because you need to be premium, well if you are, its the dx11 lighting tutorial.
Its supposed to look like this:

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress): www.gamedev.net/blog/1882-the-cuboid-zone/, cuboidzone.wordpress.com/

Ohh snap, I've fixed it.

I forgot to send the rotation matrix. I feel very dumb xD

Well well, thank you for trying to help me!

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress): www.gamedev.net/blog/1882-the-cuboid-zone/, cuboidzone.wordpress.com/

Things like that happens all the time :)
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"

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