Where can I download the source code of the book "GPU Pro"?

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17 comments, last by KingofNoobs 11 years, 6 months ago
Where can I download the source code of the book "GPU Pro"?

I cannot download it at the website http://www.akpeters.com/gpupro/.
akira32 編程之家 Yahoohttp://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/akira32-akira32
You already found where to download it from. I doubt anybody else has it hosted, being that it's a 1GB download.
Could somebody share it with me by skydrive?
akira32 編程之家 Yahoohttp://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/akira32-akira32
Have tried contact them to let them know about the broken link?
Now sure how legal this is, but here's a link. File will be removed after a few days, so don't take too long.

Thanks a lot for the upload, Ripiz.
But is there any way for you to upload the file elsewhere?

Seems that the available Dropbox bandwith already got sucked up :(

Would be awesome!
The author is pretty responsive. I've contacted him in the past.
Doesn't Dropbox give like 100 GB/month of bandwidth?...

Anyways, I uploaded to Google Drive, not sure how it works, try this link: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8kVnsUjaR1SM2E4dU5zWXZMcE0
I believe the free account has 10gb/mo whereas the pro one has 250gb/mo, but not sure.

Thanks for uploading it to Google Drive though! Works like a charm :)

Now sure how legal this is, but here's a link. File will be removed after a few days, so don't take too long.


Thanks, Ripiz!
akira32 編程之家 Yahoohttp://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/akira32-akira32

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