Any sources on basic DirectX11 Geometry Shader design?

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1 comment, last by Jason Z 11 years, 7 months ago
I'm basically just trying to create a very simple geometry shader that takes in a vertex and turns it into a quad,so I can use it as a fast User Interface solution(for lots of sprites).There don't seem to be any basic tutorials for it(most things in google come up as OpenGL).It seems very few people actualy use it.I've set up instanced rendering for my UI,but now I want to reduce it to just single vertices that turn into quads in the Geometry Shader.The DirectX samples are always huge and clustered into 1 file,full of abstraction,so I was hoping there's some kind of simpler example for it somewhere(like examples,which unfortunately don't cover geometry shader)
In the directx SDK tutorials, on directx 10 the tutorial 13 is about the geometry shaders. If you click on Start on windows desktop, then search for "Directx Sample browser" open it and then click on documentation of whatever sample that appears there, in the window that opens, click on the last blue book that appears on the left, named "Samples and Tutorials" its a big help for starters.
If you take a look at the Hieroglyph 3 codebase, the ParticleStorm demo uses this method to render particles (i.e. from point to textured quad). Even if you aren't using D3D11, the same geometry shader should work in D3D10.

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